会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


  We have devised machines that perform number-crunching and other rote cerebral tasks withgreater accuracy and speed than human minds ever could.
  Machines have no capacityfor independent thought, for making judgments based on normative considerations,or for developing emotional responses to intellectual problems.
  Up until now, the notion of human-mademachines that develop the ability to think on their own, and to developso-called "emotional intelligence," has been pure fiction.凭空虚造
  Yet it seems presumptuousto assert with confidence that humans will alwaysmaintain their superior status over their machines.
  Recent advances in biotechnology,particularly in the area of human genome research,suggest that within the 21st Century we’ll witness machines that can learnto think on their own, to repair and nurture themselves, to experience visceralsensations本体感觉, and soforth.
  Humans havethe unique capacity for independent thought, subjectivejudgment, and emotional response
  for every new research breakthrough thathelps reduces human suffering is another that serves to add to that suffering
  For example, while somemight argue that physics researchers who harnessed thepower of the atom have provided us with an alternativesource of energy and invaluable "peace-keepers," thisargument ignored the face that hundreds ofthousands of innocent people murdered and maimedby atomic blasts, and by nuclear meltdowns核泄露. 美军对广岛原子弹轰炸
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