会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


 This strong response presents a generally thoughtful, well-developed analysis of the issue and conveys meaning clearly. The introductory paragraph clearly disagrees with the prompt’s recommendation: “By requiring that all students know a certain amount in basic areas of knowledge without specifying the details, a nation can achieve the same benefits of a national curriculum without unduly denying the freedom of teachers to teach as they see fit.” The writer supports this position by first arguing for the necessity of national standards, citing the individual’s need for fundamental knowledge in core areas, and by asserting that such knowledge makes for an informed, thoughtful citizenry. The discussion furthers this argument by examining some of the disadvantages of a rigid national curriculum, namely the inability of a national curriculum to accommodate students’ individual needs and interests.
  The response develops its position with strong reasons and examples, though these reasons and examples are not always fully developed. For example, the response asserts that knowledge of English and history is “absolutely necessary to maintain an informed citizenry” and that “in order to achieve this, it is necessary to have national standards of education,” but it never really explains how or why national standards would result in better-informed citizens than regional standards or a national curriculum would.
  The response maintains a clear focus and organization with clear and logical transitions. Although the response conveys ideas clearly and demonstrates facility with standard written English, it lacks the precision of expression necessary for the highest score. In sum, this response demonstrates all of the characteristics required to earn a score of 5.
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