会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


 This limited response demonstrates some competence in its analysis and in conveying meaning but is obviously flawed.
  The response agrees with the prompt by arguing that a passionate interest allows people to see beyond the commonplace and create new ideas (paragraphs 1 and 3). However, the response is limited in presenting and developing this position.转自:考试网 -
  In paragraph 2 the response offers two relevant but underdeveloped examples to illustrate the importance of interest in generating ideas.
  The Edison example is not persuasive because its development is limited to generalities (“common things were full of mysteries...which helped him look into the machanism of things...therefore new iders came into his mind and, changed into conceret machines”). The response does not provide specific examples of the common “things” that interested Edison nor does it discuss any of Edison’s particular ideas. Thus, it does little to advance the response’s position. The Newton example is not penalized for historical inaccuracy. However, like the previous example, it is overly general and underdeveloped.
  The response also contains an accumulation of language errors (in usage, word choice, and sentence structure) that often result in a lack of clarity. For instance, the rhetorical device used in paragraph 1 contains frequent errors that render it ineffective. The imprecise language use in the Newton example is particularly unsettling: “Newton lost hisself in thought of the relation between objects. Finally he found gravitation and opened up a new era of physics.” While these errors do not generally interfere with meaning, they constitute a lack of language control that precludes a score of 4.
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