会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


No i disagree with recommendation becaus it is not compulsary to student to study same national curriculum until they enter college.
  Each and every student is own idea and family dream so,could not say like that student study the same nation curriculum until they enter college.we create a enviroment to all student are go and come in different country so we share over idea and comfortably leave with each other.
  It is very necessary to colobrate with each other we develope owr nation and different technology. We take a example of “SUNITA VILLIUM” she is a American scientist work in “NASA” basically she is a INDIAN.But she complite study in USA.外语学习网
  So,it is not necessary to studay in own national Curriculum .but we devlope environment to student study with different country and devlope nation name and over parents name.
  Also develope support position it is very advantageous for student.some time what happen student is intelligent but he/she not able to study well we develope some kind of facillity to student study well and he/she devlope over country.
  To conclude “A nation should not require all of its student to study the same national curriculum until they entre college.”
   Although this essay is obviously attempting to respond to the prompt’s recommendation, its severe problems in language and sentence structure and its pervasive grammar, usage, and mechanics errors make it impossible to discern whether the writer understands the recommendation made in the prompt. In fact, the only clear phrases in the response are those that are borrowed from the prompt. These fundamental deficiencies in analytical writing warrant a score of 1.
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