会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


 After agreeing with the prompt’s recommendation, this brief essay presents a series of unsupported claims about education and culture. The discussion fails to develop any of these claims with relevant reasons and/or examples or to make logical connections between them; as a result, the discussion is disorganized and unfocused. The final sentence states that all schools “teach the same history,but some may forcus more on what they feel is important then depending on where you are from.” As a result of the response’s frequent errors in language and sentence structure, it isn’t at all clear whether this statement is intended as an observation of current practices or a recommendation that history curricula should be flexible enough to account for regional interests.www.examw.com
  Though this response does contain frequent errors and lacks sentence variety, these flaws serve more to impede clarity than to interfere significantly with meaning. The essay is scored a 2 primarily because it is “seriously limited in addressing the specific task directions and in presenting or developing a position on the issue.”
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