会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17


  91.If 72.42= k, where k and n are positive integers and n < 100, then k + n =_____
  A.17    B.16   C.15   D.14   E.13
  92. In how many of the ten years from 1965 through 1974 was electricity use of Company T between 25,000 and 30,000 kilowatt-hour for at least one month?


http://www.examw.com/gre/Files/2011-3/17/1019133671.jpg  A. None B. One C. Two D. Three E. Four
  93. Approximately how many kilowatt-hours of electricity did Company T use during the entire year of 1971?
  A. 190,000 B.210,000 C.230,000 D.250,000 E.270,000
  94. Which of the following fractions is equal to the repeating decimal 0.3636….?
  A.1/275 B.2/55 C.4/99 D.4/11 E.4/9
  95. these questions refer to the following table.
http://www.examw.com/gre/Files/2011-3/17/1019146300.jpg  If the population of State I had increased by the same amount each year from 1980 to 1988, approximately what would the population of State I have been in 1988?
  A.7,628,000 B.7,676,000 C.7,698,000 D.7,710,000 E.7,716,000B.60% C.64% D.76% E.90%
  98. For which of the following values of v is v+(1/v) greatest?
  A. 0.002   B.0.005   C.2   D.5   E.200
  99. What percent of the integers between 100 and 999, inclusive, have all three digits the same?
  A.1%   B.2%   C.3%   D.4%   E.5%
  100. The average (arithmetic mean) height for a group of m men is 70 inches, and the average height for a group of f women is 64 inches. When the groups are combined, the average height is 66 inches.
  Column A: m
  Column B: f
  Answer: B
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