会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Job failure means being fired from a job, being asked to resign, or leaving ________ to protect yourself because you had very strong evidence that one of the first two was ________.
   (A) voluntarily ... impending
   (B) abruptly ... significant
   (C) knowingly ... operative
   (D) understandably ... pertinent
   (E) eventually ... intentional

2. An institution concerned about its reputation is at the mercy of the actions of its members; because the misdeeds of individuals are often used to ________ the institutions of which they are a part.
   (A) reform
   (B) coerce
   (C) honor
   (D) discredit
   (E) intimidate

3. The president’s secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively ________ personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, ________ does not make for true intimacy.
   (A) fatuous ... frankness
   (B) devoted ... idolatry
   (C) garrulous ... confidentiality
   (D) candid ... discretion
   (E) rancorous ... criticism

4. People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally ________ attempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong, ________ them.
   (A) inopportune ... encourages
   (B) fortuitous ... fosters
   (C) treacherous ... safeguards
   (D) despicable ... legitimizes
   (E) corrupt ... generates

5. That many of the important laws of science were discovered during experiments designed to ________ other phenomena suggests that experimental results are the ________ of inevitable natural forces rather than of planning.
   (A) analyze ... foundations
   (B) disprove ... predecessors
   (C) alter ... adjuncts
   (D) illuminate ... consequence
   (E) verify ... essence

6. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for, hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was ________ by the perspective.
   (A) improved
   (B) aggrandized
   (C) embellished
   (D) jeopardized
   (E) diminished

7. Ever prey to vagrant impulses that impelled him to ________ his talents on a host of unworthy projects, his very ________ nonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers.
   (A) undermine ... enthusiasm
   (B) isolate ... selectiveness
   (C) display ... affability
   (D) squander ... dissipation

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


(E) implicate ... genius
7.ever 永远,总是;
    prey to 被…捕获;
    vagrant impulses 犹疑不定的冲动;
    nonetheless 经常出现在转折句,但本身是个肯定词,是"仍然" 的意思。
    enthusiasm 热心;selectiveness 选择性;affability 友善;
    dissipation 浪费;(贬义词);
    squander 挥霍,浪费;
    答案 D
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