会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


让步转折相反:but, yet, however, although, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, regardless, albeit, rather than, far from, whatever, while, whereas, otherwise, nevertheless...
Although ancient tools were — preserved, enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally — progress through prehistory.
(A) partially ... noticeable       (B) superficially ... necessary
(C) unwittingly ... documented   (D) rarely ... continual      (E) needlessly ... incessant
例:noticeable 可注意的;documented 备有证明文件的;
    continual 连续的;incessant 不间断的;
       survived = preserved 保存的;
       答案 D
特殊含义词相反,适得其反:ironically, illogically,paradoxically,
unfortunately, surprising(ly), curious(ly), puzzle, shock...
It is puzzling to observe that Jones’s novel has recently been criticized for its ________ structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious ________ is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework..
(A) attention to ... preoccupation   (B) speculation about ... characteristic
(C) parody of ... disparity         (D) violation of ... contradiction(E) lack of ... flaw
例:relentless 无情的;relentlessly 过度地,过分地;
    attention to 关注;speculation about 一般与哲学家有关系;
    parody of 模仿;violation of 违反;
   答案 E
   contradiction 矛盾;
   flaw 缺陷;
   a. 形式主语的句型结构,不定式是真正主语;
   b. 做这个动作困惑(puzzling), 说明存在着不一致;
   c. recently和traditionally的时间上的不一致导致了这种困惑;
   d. 这道题有两个空格,第一个空格是鲜明的物主结构,先解这个空格。
Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater ________ their efforts to build a progressive party than the ________ of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
(A) support for ... advocacy      (B) threat to ... promise
(C) benefit from ... success       (D) obstacle to ... resistance   (E) praise for ... reputation
       a. 形式主语的句型结构,不定式是真正主语;
       b. 做这个动作困惑(puzzling), 说明存在着不一致;

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


c. recently和traditionally的时间上的不一致导致了这种困惑;
       d. 这道题有两个空格,第一个空格是鲜明的物主结构,先解这个空格。
    no greater…than 没有比…更大的了;
       progressive party 进步党;progressive 进步党人士;
       在这题中有两个空格,第二个空格很显然是 空格 + of somebody 的
      在这道题有两个对应概念,一个是 progressive,另一个是 progre-
      ssive party。正常情况下,progressive 对 progressive party 的态度
      应是肯定支持的,但在句首给出了ironically ,这就说明态度是不正常的,   
   resistance 抵抗,反对;reputation 名誉;
      答案 D
      obstacle to 阻碍;
1.       动词引导的逻辑关系相反(已介绍过)
2.       时间意义上的相反:early, once, formerly, initially, pristine, incipient, erstwhile,
2.pristine 从前的;incipient, erstwhile ;/begin, start, create, origin, /currently, recently, now, later, future, /here to fore ,hitherto, /before ,until, /no longer
begin, start, create, origin 在句子中出现时会有一些词性的变化,都表示最初的,缘起的状态。
current, recently, now, later, future 都存在着时间的反差。过去和现在不同,现在和将来也是不同的。时间反差一切相反。
heretofore, hitherto 表示"迄今为止",意味在这一刻的前后情况是不同的。
   until +时间:(本义)在此之前
until 引导一个时间,它表示在此时间前后状态是不一样的;而before 则
没有这个鲜明的作用,before 和别的时间词结合,才能形成明显的时间差。
Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable ________ the possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.
(A) interest in (B) uncertainty about (C) enthusiasm for (D) worry about (E) experimentation on
例:uncertainty about 不确定;
    答案 B
until 表示一种前后的反差关系,故不能填D。
         there will be用了将来时。应理解为前面是用一般时表达将来的情况。
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