会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers — the incomprehension of her colleagues — octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to ________ the triumph of her once ________ scientific theories.
   (A) descry ... innovative
   (B) regret ... insignificant
   (C) perpetuate ... tentative
   (D) enjoy ... authoritative
   (E) savor ... heterodox

2. Nature's energy efficiency often ________ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency ________ the firefly's system.
   (A) engenders ... manipulates
   (B) reflects ... simulates
   (C) outstrips ... rivals
   (D) inhibits ... matches
   (E) determines ... reproduces

3. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiments she let a number of ________ results slip by.
   (A) inaccurate
   (B) verifiable
   (C) redundant
   (D) salient
   (E) anomalous

4. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by ________, the leaders of the movement have recently ________ most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
   (A) intimidation ... issued
   (B) participation ... moderated
   (C) proclamation ... codified
   (D) demonstration ... deliberated
   (E) coercion ... repudiated

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


5. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no ________ this ________ view of selection.</p>   (A) departures from ... controversial
   (B) basis for ... pervasive
   (C) bias toward ... unchallenged
   (D) precursors of ... innovative
   (E) criticisms of ... renowned

6. Scientists' pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been ________ by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately ________ experimental results to further their own careers.
   (A) reinforced ... published
   (B) validated ... suppressed
   (C) exterminated ... replicated
   (D) compromised ... fabricated
   (E) resuscitated ... challenged

7. Although Johnson's and Smith's initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm ________ after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.
   (A) revived
   (B) emerged
   (C) intensified
   (D) flagged
   (E) persisted
6. pristine reputation...recent evidence表示时间反差。
7. although表示转折关系。initial fascination...after a few months
jockey n. 赛马v.赛马,运用手段来谋求,欺诈
jockeying for powder谋求权力
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