会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. In an age without radio or recordings, an age ________ by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy.
   (A) decimated
   (B) denigrated
   (C) dominated
   (D) emphasized
   (E) resurrected

2. New research on technology and public policy focuses on how seemingly ________ design features, generally overlooked in most analyses of public works projects or industrial machinery, actually ________ social choices of profound significance.
   (A) insignificant ... mask
   (B) inexpensive ... produce
   (C) innovative ... represent
   (D) ingenious ... permit
   (E) inopportune ... hasten

3. Cezanne’s delicate watercolor sketches often served as ________ of a subject, a way of gathering fuller knowledge before the artist’s final engagement of the subject in an oil painting.
   (A) an abstraction
   (B) an enhancement
   (C) a synthesis
   (D) a reconnaissance
   (E) a transcription

4. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ________ evidence when it does not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs.
   (A) addresses
   (B) creates
   (C) alters
   (D) suppresses
   (E) substitutes

5. Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from the ________ of society, the conventionality of academe.
   (A) ethos
   (B) idealism
   (C) romance
   (D) paradoxes
   (E) commonplaces

6. The breathing spell provided by the ________ arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions.
   (A) plethora of
   (B) moratorium on
   (C) reciprocation of
   (D) concentration on
   (E) development of

7. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to ________ blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that ________ the relationship.
   (A) sharpen ... conflate
   (B) increase ... diminish
   (C) aggravate ... buttress
   (D) disrupt ... neutralize
   (E) impair ... obscure

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


3. 同位语结构。
   synthesis合成 一般不选
4. tailor n. 裁缝 v. 剪裁,修改。第一个空格填tailoring的同义词。
5. 空格以后给出同位语结构。
6. breathing表示时间极短
moratorium on延期偿付
7. 并列关系表明空格动词的性质。
   sharpen使…敏锐    conflate结合
   increase增强    diminish减少
   aggravate恶化    buttress支持
   disrupt打破    neutralize抵消
   impair损坏    obscure模糊
   ...inconclusive results that...
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