会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more ________ during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruption ________ its violent nature.
   (A) awe-inspiring ... restrained
   (B) gaseous ... confirmed
   (C) explosive ... belied
   (D) familiar ... moderated
   (E) volatile ... suggested

2. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more ________ than a similar article intended for ________ use.
   (A) delicately ... vocational
   (B) colorfully ... festive
   (C) creatively ... religious
   (D) subtly ... commercial
   (E) lavishly ... everyday

3. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current ________ of Smith’s valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ________ of present-day economics.
   (A) disregard ... outgrowths
   (B) reaffirmation ... concerns
   (C) relevance ... precursors
   (D) acceptance ... byproducts
   (E) importance ... vestiges

4. The reduction of noise has been ________ in terms of ________ its sources, but the alternative of canceling noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave pattern may be more useful in practice.
   (A) justified ... diffusing
   (B) accomplished ... tracking
   (C) conceived ... concealing
   (D) explained ... isolating
   (E) approached ... eliminating

5. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ________ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ________ than we had thought.
   (A) adapt ... pressing
   (B) dismiss ... relevant
   (C) rediscover ... unconventional
   (D) admire ... elusive
   (E) appreciate ... interesting

6. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable ________ through a complex network of producers and consumers.
   (A) commodities
   (B) dividends
   (C) communications
   (D) nutrients
   (E) artifacts

7. Although scientists claim that the seemingly ________ language of their reports is more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently ________.
   (A) ornamental ... subtle
   (B) unidimensional ... unintelligible
   (C) symbolic ... complex
   (D) literal ... allusive
   (E) subjective ... metaphorical

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


Exercise Thirteen
1. awe-inspiring令人生畏的
explosive喷发的,爆发的    belie掩盖
2. be made with表示伴随状态。它后面的部分是对第一个空格的解释。两种器
festive喜庆的    colorfully多姿多彩的
religious宗教的    creatively创造性的
commercial商业的    subtly精妙的
everyday日常的,平凡的    lavishly奢侈的,过度修饰华丽的
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