会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


Vainand prone to violence,Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (i) ______ as an artistincreased, the more (ii) ______ hislife became. BLANK (i)
BLANK (ii)
(A) temperance
(D) tumultuous
(B) notoriety
(E) providential
(C) eminence
(F) dispassionate
  4.在后半句中,as an artist increased应该对应的是“成功”的意思,从blank1中选出“eminence”,而his life became,对应的是其倾向于暴力的部分,从blank2中选出“tumultuous”。
  .(A) temperance:(抑制、温和)moderation in action, thought, orfeeling : RESTRAINT
  .(B) notoriety:(臭名昭著)the quality or state of being widelyand unfavorably known
  .(C) eminence:(声名显赫)onethat is eminent, prominent, or lofty
  .(D) tumultuous:(暴力的)markedby violent or overwhelming turbulence or upheaval
  .(E) providential:(神意的)of, relating to, or determined by Godconceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny
  .(F) dispassionate:(冷静的)not influenced by strong feeling
  (OGText Completion Sample Questions 3)
  Inparts of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so ______ that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hiddensea.
  (A) permanently
  (B) imperceptibly
  (C) irregularly中华考试网
  (D) precariously
  (E) relentlessly
  1.关键字:“So … that …”结构中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
  2.“So … that …” 结构,that后面的部分对于so后面的词进行解释说明,其表示的是arcitic附近的某些冰层向海中伸出的程度,如果仅仅说是能够让人行走的话,选项中没有合适的词语进行对应,因而,形容的是给人们的一种感觉,对应部分如颜色标注。
  .(A) permanently:(永久地)continuing or enduringwithout fundamental or marked change : STABLE
  .(B) imperceptibly:(不被察觉地)not perceptible by a sense or by the mind
  .(C) irregularly:(不规则地)lacking continuity orregularity especially of occurrence or activity中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
  .(D) precariously:(不安全地、随意地)dependent on chancecircumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments
  .(E) relentlessly:(无情地、残酷地)showing or promising noabatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace
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