会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q5, Easy)
  In stark contrast to hislater (i) _______, Simpson was largely (ii) ______ politics during his college years, despite the fact that thecampus he attended was rife with political activity.
BLANK (ii)
(A) activism
(D) devoted to
(B) apathy
(E) indifferent to
(C) affability
(F) shaped by
  1.关键字:“in contrast to”,“despite”,时间对比
  2.Blank1中应该填入一个名词,表示Simpson对于政治的一种态度,blank2中应该填入一个动词词组,表示Simpson在求学时对于政治的做法;转自:考试网 -
  3.前半句中有in contrast to,表现的是Simpson在大学期间与其之后对于政治态度的描述,因而根据时间对比,blank1与blank2中应该体现的是一种完全相反的态度;
  4.根据后半句的despite,Simpson应该与其所在的大学中氛围相反,他所在的大学“was rife with politicalactivity”,大家都热衷与政治活动,而他则应该是“不热衷于政治运动”,即可以推出blank2中的词语,而同理,根据刚才的推断,blank1中应该是“Simpson现在对于政治运动很热衷”的态度了。
  .(A) activism:(实践主义)adoctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially insupport of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue
  .(B) apathy:(冷淡)lack of interest or concern
  .(C) affability:(和蔼可亲)being pleasant and at ease in talkingto others
  .(D) devoted to:(为……奉献)to give over or direct (as time,money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity
  .(E) indifferent to:(对……冷淡)lackof interest or concern
  .(F) shaped by:(被塑造成……)FORM, CREATE especially : to give aparticular form or shape to外语学习网
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q6, Easy)
  As my eyesight began to _______, I spent a lot of time writing about it – both poemsand “eye journals” – describing what I saw as I looked out through damaged eyes.
  (A) deteriorate
  (B) sharpen
  (C) improve
  (D) decline
  (E) recover
  (F) adjust
  .(A) deteriorate:(受损)to become impaired in quality, functioning, or condition
  .(B) sharpen:(锋利)to make sharp or sharper
  .(C) improve:(提高)to enhance in value orquality转自:考试网 -
  .(D) decline:(退化)to tend toward an inferior state or weaker
  .(E) recover:(恢复)to bring back to normalposition or condition
  .(F) adjust:(改善)to bring to a moresatisfactory state
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