会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


  例15. (OG Text Completion Sample Questions 1) (AEI)
  It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i) _______ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii) _______ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii) _______, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii) 中 华 考 试 网
  (A) overshadowed (D) enhance (G) plausibility of our hypotheses
  (B) invalidated (E) obscure (H) certainty of our entitlement
  (C) illuminated (F) underscore (I) superficiality of our theories
  (一) 关键字:冒号、“三空格”模式
  (二) Blank1、2中应该填入动词,表示politics对于facts所作的动作,blank3中应该填入一个短语,表示作者所作的一种强调;
  (三) 从blank3入手,“…, …, and …”是“三空格模式”,其中的评价都是等价的,因此blank3应该填入一个负评价的短语,选(I)选项;
  (四) 看blank1、2中间有冒号进行解释说明,因而在这里冒号前后两句话是解释说明的关系,应该是意思等价,找出对应成分,如相同颜色标注,发现是作者不让政治对于事实产生影响,由于前后意思一致,blank1与2中应该填入相同意思的词语,故在blank1、2中找寻同义词,发现(A)与(E)两个选项意思相同,选(A)(E)
  (五) 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空:
  (A) overshadowed:遮盖(to cast a shadow over)
  (B) invalidated:使……无效(to make invalid; especially : to weaken or destroy the cogency of)
  (C) illuminated:阐明(to make clear : ELUCIDATE)
  (D) enhance:加强(HEIGHTEN, INCREASE; especially : to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness)
  (E) obscure:蒙蔽、掩盖(to conceal or hide by or as if by covering)
  (F) underscore:着重、强调(to make evident : EMPHASIZE, STRESS)
  (G) plausibility of our hypotheses:我们假设的可行性(正评价) 来自www.Examw.com
  (H) certainty of our entitlement:我们权利的必然性(正评价)
  (I) superficiality of our theories:我们理论的肤浅性(负评价)
  (六) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:
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