会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Our young people, whose ---- sensitivities have
not yet become ----, have a purer and
more immediate response than we do to our
(A) native.. excited
(B) keen.. calloused
(C) dull.. numbed 来自www.Examw.com
(D) impartial.. objective
(E) sophisticated.. perceptive
2. The repudiation of Puritanism in seventeenth century England expressed itself not only in
retaliatory laws to ---- Puritans, but also
in a general attitude of ---- for Puritans.
(A) restrict.. contempt
(B) regulate.. regard
(C) benefit.. affection
(D) repress.. respect
(E) evade.. hatred
3. It is a great ---- to be able to transfer useful
genes with as little extra gene material as
possible, because the donor’s genome may
contain, in addition to desirable genes, many
genes with ---- effects.
(A) misfortune.. unpredictable
(B) disappointment .. superfluous
(C) convenience.. exquisite
(D) accomplishment.. profound
(E) advantage.. deleterious
4. Because it has no distinct and recognizable typographical
form and few recurring narrative conventions,
the novel is, of all literary genres, the
least susceptible to ----.
(A) misuse
(B) imprecision
(C) inquiry
(D) definition
(E) innovation
5. The brittle fronds of the Boston fern break
easily and become brown, so that the overall
appearance of the plant is ---- unless the www.ExamW.CoM
broken fronds are cut off.
(A) admired
(B) overrated
(C) disparaged
(D) blunted
(E) ruined
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