会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. The spellings of many Old English words have
been----in the living language, although their
pronunciations have changed.
(A) preserved (B) shortened (C) preempted
(D) revised (E) improved
2. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents
a seemingly----source of raw materials, of
which only a few have been utilized.
(A) exploited (B) quantifiable
(C) controversial (D) inexhaustible
(E) remarkable 外语学习网
3. For centuries animals have been used as----
for people in experiments to assess the effects of
therapeutic and other agents that might later be
used in humans.
(A) benefactors (B) companions
(C) examples (D) precedents (E) surrogates
4. Social tensions among adult factions can be
----by politics, but adolescents and children
have no such----for resolving their conflict
with the exclusive world of adults.
(A) intensified.. attitude
(B) complicated.. relief
(C) frustrated.. justification
(D) adjusted.. mechanism
(E) revealed.. opportunity
5. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and
beliefs, ----between rulers and citizens based
on those laws and procedures that are----to
the maintenance of community.
(A) a compromise.. inimical
(B) an interdependence.. subsidiary
(C) a counterpoint.. incidental
(D) an equivalence.. prerequisite
(E) a reciprocity.. conducive
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