会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1 Current data suggest that, although----states
between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression
are as distinct physiologically as they are
(A) simultaneous (B) serious
(C) exceptional (D) partial
(E) transitional
2 It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity
now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to
which he was forever----others, in the end, all
his----has only worked against him 中华考试网
(A) dedicating.. self-procession
(B) leading.. self-righteousness
(C) consigning.. self-adulation
(D) relegating.. self-sacrifice
(E) condemning.. self-analysis
3 Famous among job seekers for its----, the company,
quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed
on its executives annual bonuses and such----as
low-interest home mortgages and company cars.
(A) magnanimity.. reparations
(B) inventiveness.. benefits
(C) largesse.. perquisites
(D) discernment.. prerogatives
(E) altruism.. credits
4 There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every
form of life is----other forms.
(A) segregated from (B) parallel to
(C) dependent on (D) overshadowed by
(E) mimicked by
5 The sale of Alaska was not so much an American
coup as a matter of----for an imperial Russia
that was short of cash and unable to----its own
continental coastline.
(A) negligence.. fortify
(B) custom.. maintain
(C) convenience.. stabalize
(D) expediency.. defend
(E) exigency.. reinforce
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