会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. The natural balance between prey and predator
has been increasingly----, most frequently by
human intervention.
(A) celebrated (B) predicted (C) observed
(D) disturbed (E) questioned
2. There is some----the fact that the author of a
book as sensitive and informed as Indian
Artisans did not develop her interest in Native
American art until adulthood, for she grew up in
a region rich in American Indian culture.
(A) irony in (B) satisfaction in
(C) doubt about (D) concern about
(E) presumptuousness in考试用书
3. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the
movement of valuable----through a complex
network of producers and consumers.
(A) commodities (B) dividends
(C) communications (D) nutrients
(E) artifacts
4. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a
-----of ------psychoanalysis: we no longer feel
that it can solve our emotional problems.
(A) divergence.. certainly about
(B) confrontation.. enigmas in
(C) withdrawal.. belief in
(D) defense.. weaknesses in
(E) failure.. rigor in
5. The struggle of the generations is one of the
obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it
may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry
between young and old in Western society
during the current decade is ----critical.
(A) perennially (B) disturbingly
(C) uniquely (D) archetypally
(E) captiously
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