会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Dreams are----in and of themselves, but,
when combined with other data, they can tell us
much about the dreamer.
(A) uninformative (B) startling
(C) harmless (D) unregulated
(E) uncontrollable
2. The Muses are----deities: they avenge themselves
without mercy on those who weary of
their charms.
(A) rueful (B) ingenuous (C) solicitous
(D) vindictive (E) dispassionate
3. Without the psychiatrist’s promise of
confidentiality, trust is----and the patient’s
communication limited; even though confidentiality
can thus be seen to be precious
in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes
requires a willingness to----it.
(A) implicit.. extend
(B) ambiguous.. apply
(C) prevented.. uphold
(D) assumed.. examine
(E) impaired.. sacrifice
4. Having fully embraced the belief that
government by persuasion is preferable to
government by----, the leaders of the movement
have recently----most of their previous
statements supporting totalitarianism.
(A) intimidation.. issued
(B) participation.. moderated
(C) proclamation.. codified外语学习网
(D) demonstration.. deliberated
(E) coercion.. repudiated
5. The powers and satisfactions of primeval people,
though few and meager, were----- their few and
simple desires.
(A) simultaneous with
(B) commensurate with
(C) substantiated by (D) circumscribed by
(E) ruined by
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