会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. The commissions criticized the legislature for making
college attendance dependent on the ability to
pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified
young people would be----further education.
(A) entitled to (B) striving for
(C) deprived of (D) uninterested in
(E) participating in
2. In most Native American cultures, an article used
in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention
to and richness of detail: it is decorated more
----than a similar article intended for----use.
(A) delicately.. vocational外语学习网
(B) colorfully.. festive
(C) creatively.. religious
(D) subtly.. commercial
(E) lavishly.. everyday
3. Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was
as little subject to the----of conscience after
he acted as he was motivated by its----before he
(A) rewards.. chastisement
(B) balm.. eloquence
(C) reproaches.. promptings
(D) ridicule.. allure
(E) qualms.. atonement
4. Freud derived psychoanalytic knowledge of childhood
indirectly: he----childhood processes from
(A) reconstructed.. memory
(B) condoned.. experience
(C) incorporated.. behavior
(D) released.. monotony
(E) inferred.. anticipation
5. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers—
the incomprehension of her colleagues—
octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock
has lived to----the triumph of her once----
scientific theories.
(A) descry.. innovative
(B) regret.. insignificant
(C) perpetuate.. tentative
(D) enjoy.. authoritative
(E) savor.. heterodox
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