会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Because no comprehensive----exist regarding
personal reading practices, we do not know, for
example, the greatest number of books read in
an individual lifetime.
(A) records (B) instincts (C) remedies
(D) proposals (E) commercials
2. In our corporation there is a----between male
and female----because 73 percent of the men and
34 percent of the women polled believe that our
company provides equal compensation to men and
(A) contrast.. stereotypes
(B) difference.. perceptions
(C) variation.. salaries
(D) resemblance.. employees
(E) similarity.. aspirations
3. The wonder of De Quincey is that although opium
dominated his life, it never----him; indeed, he
turned its use to----when he published the story
of its influence in the London Magazine.
(A) overcame.. altruism
(B) intimidated.. triumph
(C) distressed.. pleasure
(D) conquered.. gain
(E) released.. necessity
4. The reduction of noise has been----in terms of
----its sources, but the alternative of canceling
noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave
pattern may be more useful in practice.
(A) justified.. diffusing
(B) accomplished.. tracking
(C) conceived.. concealing
(D) explained.. isolating
(E) approached.. eliminating
5. While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares
about, she is not----; she concedes the----of
opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses
inherent in her own.
(A) fickle.. validity
(B) arrogant.. restraint
(C) fanatical.. strength
(D) congenial.. incompatibility
(E) unyielding.. speciousness
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