会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


In everyday life, people tend to have a different approach to those they consider their equals from that which they assume with people they consider higher or lower than themselves in the social scale.
1.people tend to have a different approach...from that,其中that为代词,指代approach, 此处译为“方式”最为贴切,因此主干的意思很简单 --- “人们倾向于有一种方式, 与那种方式不同”
In everyday life, people tend to have a different approach to those (whom)they consider their equals from that which they assume with people (whom) they consider higher or lower than themselves in the social scale.
whom 在定语从句中都做了consider的宾语(前者相当于为consider whom their equals双宾语的用法, 后者相当于consider whom higher or lower宾补的用法)
4. 直译如下 (我是尽可能地直, as "直" as possible)
在日常生活中, 人们倾向于用一种方式去对待他们认为与自己社会地位同等的人,而采用另一种不同的方式去对待他们认为比自己社会地位高或低的人
(直得有些让人莫名其妙, 对吗?)
5. 意译如下

6. hyc9527将之飞译为“看人下菜碟”,可谓传神; 我试着飞译为"同之者同之, 异之者异之",读起来宛若经典之句。
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