会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


3. 对于含义晦涩的句子,判断语气或感情色彩是有效地解决方法,有时候甚至是唯一的方法。
Johnson never ___ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if ___ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordinates.
A. deigned.. tacitB. attempted.. halfheartedC. intended.. direct
D. scrupled.. literalE. wished.. feigned
这句话对于英语阅读能力较差的学生来说,通过正常的阅读理解来做还是有些难度的。但是如果注意到whatever the effects on his subordinates(无论对下级产生什么影响)的语气,就可以判断第一空格填入后应表示johnson干的不是什么好事,唯一符合这一判断的是D选项。
Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater ___ their efforts to build a progressive party than the ___ of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
A. support for.. advocacyB. threat to.. promiseC. benefit from.. success
D. obstacle to.. resistanceE. praise for.. reputation
Although ___ is usually thought to spring from regret for having done something wrong, it may be that its origin
is the realization that one's own nature is irremediably ___.
A. contrition.. resilientB. certitude.. confidentC.skepticism.. innocent
D. remorse.. flawedE. resignation. frivolous
第二空格被副词irremediably(不可救药地)修饰,根据这个词带出的语气可以判断第二空格应填入一个负面色彩的词,符合这一判断的只有D、E两个选项。第一空格remorse的意思完全地对应“regret for having done something wrong”,故选D。
Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to ___ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.
A. extrapolateB. transcribeC. complicateD. amplifyE. manage
这句话如果没有看过相关背景的书籍几乎是不可理解的,但是我们可以通过语气和感情色彩的判断来排除错误的选项,最终剩下一个看不出错的选项,也就是正确选项了。因为语言是对抗经验的阴谋(conspiracy against),所以空格应填入一个负面色彩的动作,只有C选项(使复杂化、使变得麻烦)和E选项(manage除了中性的经营管理之外,还可以表示负面的操纵控制)符合这一判断。结合方式状语by reducing(减少、分解、简化)来看,C选项应被排除,最后剩下仍然看不懂句意的E选项就对了。
Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are ___ would be expected to be very ___, but, surprisingly, they are not.
A. lethal.. rareB. untreated.. dangerousC. unusual.. refractory
D. new.. perplexingE. widespread.. acute
Although ___, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong ___ publicity and controversy.
A. conventional.. interest inB. monotonous.. reliance onC. shy.. aversion toward
D. retiring.. penchant forE. evasive.. impatience with

Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously ___.
A. meditativeB. tepidC. categoricalD. unoriginal E. insightful

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a ___ system; its strata remain ___ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.
A. health.. skilledB. delivery.. basicC. regimental.. flexible
D. training.. inferiorE. caste.. intact
医疗职业的等级(hierarchy)在许多方面是一个等级体系(caste system)
The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly ___, most frequently by human intervention.
A. celebratedB. predictedC. observedD. disturbedE. questioned
Poe's ___ reviews of contemporary fiction, which often find great merit in otherwise ___ literary gems, must make us respect his critical judgment in addition to his well-known literary talent.
A. thorough.. completedB. petulant.. unpopularC. insightful.. unappreciated
D. enthusiastic.. acclaimedE. harsh.. undeserving
爱伦坡有判断力的(insightful)现代小说评论使得我们佩服他的判断力(critical judgment)
Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly ___ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.
A.appreciated B. emulated C. criticized D. revised E. reprinted
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