会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. 科学家的预言是---,因为按照科学家的----双胞胎应该是?
Key: false--predict
3. 版本1The only----characters in the play, which otherwise will be ----- the characters that are anything but introspective.
版本2 drama中只有一个()的character,但这个戏中() 了characters who are anything but introspective.(
大意为,一戏剧中只有一个角色是_____的角色,除此之外其他角色_______ anything but introspective
key:contemplative; populating
4. Because outlaws were denied____under medieval law, anyone could raise a hand against them with legal___
Key : protection... impunity
5. He would ____no arguments, and to this end he enjoined us to _____
key: brookacquiesce
6. 人们的眼睛————细节(特殊)的东西,因此(看的时候)这东西旁边的物体就成为————
key: focus -- ---background
7. 虽然一部东东好,但是————,缺乏的活力——导演的better move
key: lifeless....animate
8. Robin’s words were not without emotion: they retained their level tone only by a careful----- imminent extremes.
鲁宾的话并不缺乏情绪,它们只是通过小心翼翼地平衡各种突发地极端情绪来 保持平稳的语调。(98.11)
Key: equipoise;
8. The poem is not _____; it is more like an international thing.........
Key:我选 provincial (sure)
10. Actors only_____ the director is understated, the director is annoyed and the actors displaying is hard to___ 大概意思是说演员已经习惯于被骂,因为导演要求严格,很难被取悦.
key: E**....displease)
11.Stress is mainly caused by individual occurrence than _________ ........, although many scientific ....(my key: routine ...***)
13.某本书中描写的内容就现代人看来是unrealistic 的,现代人怀疑是否有人如此依赖于钢笔,如此频繁地写信。
14.版本1 说什么什么东东far from---------, considering the 什么什么环境了等等,and such----------。
版本2预报是不-------的:因为会受到诸如政治势力,X1, X2的影响,and such -------.
Key: Definite ….content
16.Commercials mystify us a _______ viewpoint of our world, and this can lead to......
key : unrealistic
17.Although having no sense of obligation, Henry always was subject to the ________, whereas nobody had even ....... (key : awards...****)
19.何过去不同, landscape architect _____convention, 但是他们的这种状况____professional instruction.
20.一般认为商业交谈是 (serious) and 讨论的东东(important), 其实呢,都是些.....
21. Prior to the work of Heckel,illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely_______; this fact,combined with the_____nature of mostnineteenth-century taxonomic descriptions,often kept scientists from recognizing differences between species. PP2的题,
key: detailed.....sketchy
23.The rule of tropic forest was _______ since they can do ## and not only......
key: underestimated
24.The severity of his injury was not _______; when the doctor announced that he ........ everybody was ....
key : mitigated...***
25.甚至连他们自己也认为no other 政府worse than------ them , so 改变政府是----
27.说某东东far from catalyzer (催化剂的意思),后接从句, obstruct ....(反义)
28.说某评论inaccurate, 竟然说某人和一商人死后7年会面!!
29.photographer对其作品经过什么。。。。处理后会。。。。句中有surreal一词, 据此我填unrealistic
30.Her speech was little more than _____, 听众奇怪why her modest had ever been____.

31.Since 一个国家的人民change ...rather than ____, 这个国家的政治经济都提高了。大概是这个意思,后半句还有一个空,前面的应该是stasis

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


</p>32.some dictator did not even ( )允许不同意见, some 好象允许不同意见(发展), 但到最后却还是以自己的意见执行 my key (???) (development)
33. 某作家的(the characteristic of spareness)正是他没有获得成功的原因,相反与他同时代的一些作家who are less(_____)却大受欢迎 key: laconic
34. bemoan题,前人讲过。另一空是 current(currency?),即 bemoan …… current (currency?),偶考时,扫了一遍题,就知是机井,不过有毒了2-3遍,并细看每一个玄想。第一题嘛,还是小心一点好
35.考古学原来的目的是为了给富人发掘可以作为收藏品的artifacts,但现在是为了进行实验研究,因此考古的目的从(treasure hunting)演变为学术研究(大体意思是这样的).
41.调查房屋大小对学生的影响,结果发现the effect of class room size,itself and it is---,student in small size class room not more--------than other student.(我选anigiliable----impressive, 我瞎选的)。
42.It is ____ that......while nontechnical....,requires ...._____..... key: ironic...technical
43.某人虽然____ president's policy, 但是对他本人还是------ ……答案很好选,前面是表示否定的,后面肯定,具体的词不记得了
47.OLD MAN SHOULD NOT ( )CONNVENTIENC,THAT IS ()--大意:老人不过分赞成新事物,有利于保持传统《INNOVATOR********》
48.Since 一个国家的人民喜欢change ...rather than ____, 这个国家的政治经济都提高了。大概是这个意思,后半句还有一个空,前面的应该是stasis。
49.有一个评论家对目前的文学怎么样,所以它可以很快的说出什么 我选的是a apologist的那个选项,估计对了
50.The notion that 有线电视免费是-----------: 因为会播放大量的commercials, 观众必须支付。 key: erroneous
51. 查阅别人著作的图书馆工作不同,实地研究-------------对所看事物的客观记录。我填:REQUIRE
52. 就是说一个人平庸,前后是反义,第一空为bromide
53. 某人写了本小说,充满了火药味(inflammble),它所引起的(controversy)之强大,以至于不久各大媒体都头版头条列出。
55.说一个人攻击某些科学实验,但实际上这些实验是对的。我选attack …credible,有干扰项,注意辨别
57.某某的作品虽然很好,但对于现在来说是(commonplace), even (banal)
60.版本1 大意是:很多人很____某人的作品,他的众多追随者对其持褒溢之词,但也存在一些评论是____。我第一空填respect,第二空填 有争议什么的单词
版本2 某人的一作品被他的追随者_______,他的大多数追随者发表了充满热情赞扬的review,但为了是这些review显得更真实,一小部分追随者发表了_______的review.
61.某地的人们已经很久未受某fly的侵扰了,但近来一种什么fly多了起来,据认为是the____与…….水环境有关。Key: resurgence复苏
62. 我们仿佛是从过去回到现在的quaint?反正是pp2原体,答案是e,好像连选项都没换
63. 有个出版了一本很fantastic书的人,书is so..... that.....第一个空是一个"具有吸引力"的单词,关系明确,抓住关键敏感词就判断出来了
64.某人的作品曾经被认为是intellectual..., 最近却被置于______之下。我选criticism
65.某人的作品______他的success 是以放弃了他要______的东西为代价的。我选compromise, incorporate
66.版本1内地居民too land-oriented to cope with coastal(沿海的,第一空)...

67.Although the autobiography of the diplomat hints at his _____, its author was too ___ to explore it at any length.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35


key: dissipation....prim(正经); </p>68. short story demanding a writer's skill, no less exacting than 某些其他的作品is the demand of ____ (commitment, resource, energy), 可能是resource吧
69.某个人持肯定态度, 然而, 他还是被很多人认为equivocation
70.faw from-------generalize,------后面有两个与generalize相反的词,空格添两个同义词
71.某人的作品是__,读者将读到的不是间断的而是连续的东西;(my key: tacit);
72.某人的作品很容易___,因为它缺乏... 和一个procedure....future(反正和future有关); (mykey:critical---put forward之类的);
73.一个女生显得________:her facile apparant shows she_______ 什么东西出了问题(unfavorable),although 其实可能实际上(realistic)没有出错。 题干比我写的要不友好得多。
  C: furious...denied
D: apprehensive...?
E: pessimistic...doubt
key: belie…cautious
75.评论家们____modernism是individual和creative的,所以photograph_____is a logic conclusion.我选overturn....impersonal
77.某公司根据预测其某种新产品的销路将是_______,though该公司老板不相信这些data,_______新产品开发(development)投入。1.我选 overwhelming,2.我选 increase ,第一空应填褒义,有3个褒义选项
78.某些人都认为sb.______,但her(sb.)的什么举动显示出(betray)her _____.
我选1.小气之类的词,可能是parsimonious, 第2空填largess,这空我有把握,前后两空意思相反,记住选含largess的选项就行了..
79. 一个什么悬念电影最奇怪的一点就是它不___,观众总是看到连续的.….而不是孤立的…..选项有narra...可能是叙述那个词,还有remise,我都忘了我选哪个了。
key: ascendancy criticisms
82.某种什么layer是_____,所以科学家只需要考察它的_____就行了。选项有distinctive..** ,predictable ….. aberration 不知道改选那个,最后随便点了
83.18世纪的天文学家可以用primitive的望远镜看到crab nebular,所以它也是____,如果当代天文爱好者(dilettante)用smaller的但____的望远镜观察的话。
Key:detectable ------ superior
84.题干是一帮狂热者(enthusiasts)____pension debate,因为他们忽视了difference并且有更为严重的_____.
选项又友好 :distort-----misconstruction (不要误选第二个词是:miscomprehension 的那个,其第一个词不对)
85. There is hardly a generalization that can be made about people's social behavior and the values informing it that cannot be ____from one or another point of view, or even ____as simplistic or vapid. (challenged...dismissed)
86. Many featured films are criticized for their ____ content, even though television news is more often the medium that depicts violent events in the excessive detail.
A. discretionary
B. graphic(√)
87. 版本1 还有一道:就是说某女作家是一个commanding的什么人,她对什么也exacting 这到体是唐僧礼物300天空里的,我看都没看就选了含exacting的那个
版本2 as a ____reader, …(大意是: 做为一个demanding的reader, 同时这个人也是一个作家, 它的作品同样受到了很多exacting的critism).我填demanding … exacting
88. 由于污染物种类繁多,解决污染问题被_____(填一动词被动式)by污染物之间的影响:一种污染物因为另一种污染物的存在而增多。(No. 1)(A.limited to D.mitigated E.compounded)在这三选项间斟酌良久,我选了D,不知是否对,大家现场自己再斟酌斟酌。
89. Much of the beatles music,as evidenced by"All you need is love",was characterized by a superficial naivete---contradicted by an inherent,deeper cynicism.
A subliminally (√)
B obviously
90. 有一个作品里充满了反反复复的_____和_____, 因为该作家的意图是是读者平静后反复激起他们的激情。反正是填平庸和什么激起激情的东西(sure)
91. 某查询系统对计算机水品要求如此_____ 以至于新手对它很______我选了 mastery...??? 还有两个悬想 都有arcane的意思,但是后面一空好象不太好。

92. 尽管电力机车在某年已投入service,但是它大量用电____its widespread___ for many years.   选项有:impeded....adoption obviated清除;排除困难....popularity key:应该是前者

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:36


</p>93. 有一个人(retort)他的repute,that his recently intemperate文章(damaged)
94. In architecture, the purpose is not..._____, but it is sometimes understood as.......我填ornamental(装饰的)...provisional
95. OLD MAN SHOULD NOT ___CONNVENTIENC,THAT IS ____……大意:老人不过分赞成新事物,有利于保持传统
96. 美国作家致力于美国文学,另一些却没有遵循严格的美国文学的subjects, instead (employing)许多英国文学的什么东东。(very sure)
97. 人们说地方政府的统治太官僚,让人们觉得怎么的,_--__(违背)了地方自治传统.   我选的B)implementation...***,还有个C)clarification...chal
to be continued:


Guest 2001-7-26 23:35:03www.gter.net

lenge也很像,但前一个空我觉得不好,比 较了半天,狠心选了implementation,不知道对了没有。这个大概第10题.   注:这个题我觉得他可能错了,题干里有 “ ...the rigidity of the ...government bureaucracy needs _____ , ......._____后面的忘了 ” 由rigidity 可知第一个空应该填一个贬义词 。A . correction , *** 其他选项的第一个词不是贬义的,所以我以为应该选A 。
98. 医生debate that,considering更改治疗方法的negative,____这一治疗方法并不比维持原来的方法更___。原机井添continue……..harmful, 今天有2个玄是b) intensify………..harmful , e ) continue……..effective .
99. The prevailing theory that ***** is ______ by the new evidence that ***** A. replacedE.challenged.   key:后者
100. video recorder 的普及inspired the (opposition) of media industries,who are fearful that the new machine should (subvert) the laws and regulations
101. The dominant ___ of sky in the past, now were___ by the artificial light significance....obscured??
102. 版本1 :某人反对 an assumption that 某某作家的某种写作方法是intentional,认为不应该impute他那么多的称赞
版本2:评论家说某人的作品的pompous style是purposeless,不值得grant(给予)那么高的评价
新答案是:purposeless attribute to
103. 某个作品是对什么的模仿emulate,但也不是完全相同parallel
104. Although he didn't deny that the resource of earth will depletion, but he unwill to agree that progress is inevitable, because he believe that the resource is(可以再生)
105. 某人同意资源短缺inevitable ,但是他又hesitant to 承认资源会耗尽,he believe that 人们能找到替代的资源
106. 版本1:讲某些人已习惯lack of digression of他们的原来的领导,所以对新的主管的indirection of…
版本2:由于以前的领导是lack of digression,人们的惊诧于新领导的allusive, but not devoid of direction.
107. As it is not ______by her remark that it was thought to be, he____ her …the meaning ...####
108. 说什么 ____ agreement本身就怎么样,____ the difference between … significantlyinsidious(阴险的)… undermines
109. 一个人不仅没有因为他的事业方向改变而感到disgruntled(不满的,不高兴的),而且还为自己从事的这一行获得stellar(恒星的,稳定的)进步而高兴,并对自己所做的琐碎的工作自豪.
110. 尽管现在the failure of the 火山爆发前的现象观察影响了primitive早期的火山爆发学科的发展,但是科学家认为对于火山爆发后的结果分析将有助于对它的认识。  某些讽刺作家不能决定是保持原来二十年的风格,还是修改风格以适应当前recent的形式
111. 虽然一专家对他关于museum restoration 的proposal 充满optimism,但是the committee rejected his suggestion.
112. 说一个鸟社会的人民意识到这个社会是inimical,which is…
113. folk artist (民间艺术家)对于某东东的 depict是如此的in details,(aid)帮助了historian 对于该东东的研究.
114. 讲科学并不是established,有许多____:他们对相同的现象会有alternation的explanation选项有两个象dissenter 和 explinator (my key)
115. 以前critics批评某个grovenor是effectless,而现在他们怎么怎么她,原文大略是"put her out of/ let her out of";(这个地方看不懂,所以包饭也倒了);
116. 某人对Cout 和...的statire是通过___(反正是个动词),因为他对provider(或是providor)的sympathy.(包饭以为是穷苦大众和上流社会的无产阶级之类的对比,前面的动词都是express之流的);
117. ...某国家国民不喜欢stasis(key sure),所以...发展了
118. 平时他——about money, thus his friends ——他的慷慨(可能是)。我选cautious…astonishing

119. 生物学的发展受到政治和经济的影响,生物学家对此(scorn),认为生物学是(autom**)

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:37


</p>120. 某人(否 认)堤坝被冲毁,但后来的事实(推翻)了他的断言.
121. 许多年轻人认为教育制度应该更加自由,老教育工作者(agree)他们的观点,因为一直以来他们都是(consistent with)这一观点。 迷惑选项:accede ..... concurrence
122. The residents of one country think that the policy of their government is very ____, yet in fact the policy of other countries are equally_____ 我选helpful, beneficial
123. One comment on a certain writer** is more _____than the comments on other writers, for the critics _______the information(materials) from his scripts and books. 选 one-dimensional, enrich, 其他不象
124. though correct in echoing sth in sb’s music, gullibe critics(believe) that sb is (unfamiliar) with sth
125. it is the worst time for (waterborne) expedition into the interior at the end of dry season, as the river is (low)
126. Ironically, while the architects wanna maintain the archaic buildings which reflect their original constructure, they ________those architectures' looking-forward spirit. 我选subvert
127. In spite of her ___talent for piano, she seemly struggle performance …………, attribute to her ___practice. 1. raw……………rigorous 2. prodigal…………diligent
128. 一个编导(大概是编导吧)总喜欢在自己的电影(就是作品一类的东西) 里一会儿soporific一会儿sensational,让观众一缓一惊的。(大概意思, 选项应该sure)
129. although某地的人们认为他们的政府对日常生活的干涉相对(rare);而其实政府的介入与其他国家相比是(ubiquitous).(看原来的机经,差点选了helpful, beneficial,一看是although,还好,没有点confirm)
130. 一些人认为ecology是政治和什么的derivative还是什么的观点is ____ (scorned)by scientists who know that ecology is ....__(autonomy)不是什么expressive
131. The claim that people who live inland will feel uncomfortable in (coastal) climate underestimate the (adaptability) of human beings
132. 某女主张"自由教育",although it may well be (opposed) by conservatives, it is (similar) to their own ideas
133. 仙鹤, which is former considered(懒惰),actually is active, for it will seldom stay one place for long time.
134. 用计算机在图书馆查阅需要(facility with)the system, so all but a few dedicated users of computers find the prospect (daunting).
135. architect们常常(copy)过去的模型,因为他们的教育中忽视了(originality)。
136. 某作家尽管用了一种______writing style,但是读者仍然subtly but inevitably读出其intented conclusion。我选dispassioned
137. 一些人认为ecology是政治和什么的derivative还是什么的观点is ____ (scorned)by scientists who know that ecology is ....__(autonomy)不是什么expressive
138. 以前,人们一直认为the governor is anything but ineffective ;but now people think she is---------- (要搞清anything but 是肯定还是否定呦)
139. 纠正一个以前的机经错误: 有一个人的作品eschew abstract for realistic,所以他的作品是------------- (以前机经是imaginative, 我选 verisimility 逼真的)
140. as____as she to 别人对她工作的负评价,she treat the news of dissmissal with ____。(我选acceptive.....distain,还有一responsive...apathy,请斟酌。
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