会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their workaday----, the wooden storage boxes made in America's Shaker communities are now----for
their beauty.
(A) environment.. accepted
(B) owners.. employed
(C) function.. valued
(D) reality.. transformed
(E) image.. seen
2. In order to----her theory that the reactions are ----, the scientist conducted many experiments, all of which showed that the heat of the first reaction is more than twice that of the second.
(A) support.. different
(B) comprehend.. constant
(C) evaluate.. concentrated
(D) capture.. valuable
(E) demonstrate.. problematic
3. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to----accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.
(A) insular
(B) investigative
(C) synoptic
(D) subjective
(E) sensational
4. William James lacked the usual----death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without----about the old man's impending death.
(A) longing for.. regret
(B) awe of.. inhibition
(C) curiosity about.. rancor
(D) apprehension of.. eloquence
(E) anticipation of.. commiseration
5. Current data suggest that, although----states between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically.
(A) simultaneous
(B) serious
(C) exceptional
(D) partial
(E) transitional
6. Famous among job seekers for its----, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such----as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.
(A) magnanimity.. reparations
(B) inventiveness.. benefits
(C) largesse.. perquisites
(D) discernment.. prerogatives
(E) altruism.. credits
7. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is----other forms.
(A) segregated from
(B) parallel to
(C) dependent on
(D) overshadowed by
(E) mimicked by
8. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of----for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to----its own continental coastline.
(A) negligence.. fortify
(B) custom.. maintain
(C) convenience.. stabilize
(D) expediency.. defend
(E) exigency.. reinforce
9. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly----by their lively criticism.
(A) humiliated
(B) discomfited
(C) deluded
(D) disgraced
(E) tantalized

10. In eighth-century Japan, people who---- wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of----fields.
(A) conserved.. forested
(B) reclaimed.. arable
(C) cultivated.. domestic
(D) irrigated.. accessible
(E) located.. desirable

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34


11. If duty is the natural----of one's ----the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
(A) correlate.. understanding of
(B) outgrowth-control over
(C) determinant.. involvement in
(D) mitigant.. preoccupation with
(E) arbiter.. responsibility for
12. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king----the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
(A) merited
(B) forfeited
(C) debased
(D) concealed
(E) extended
13. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from----, relating the----of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
(A) age.. ancestry
(B) classification.. appearance
(C) size.. movement
(D) structure.. behavior
(E) location.. habitat
14. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was----by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
(A) banal
(B) heretical
(C) unproven
(D) complex
(E) superficial
15. Industrialists seized economic power only after industry had----agriculture as the preeminent form of production; previously such power had ----land ownership.
(A) sabotaged.. threatened
(B) overtaken.. produced
(C) toppled.. culminated in
(D) joined.. relied on
(E) supplanted.. resided in
16. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their----.
(A) insight
(B) obstinacy
(C) introspection
(D) tolerance
(E) credulity
17. No longer----by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual----for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
(A) satisfied.. reasons
(B) sustained.. substitutes
(C) reassured.. justifications
(D) hampered.. equivalents
(E) restricted.. parallels
18. People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be----; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of----.
(A) depraved.. hesitation
(B) cruel.. effortlessness
(C) wicked.. indolence
(D) unjust.. boredom
(E) iniquitous.. impiety

19. Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to----them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.
(A) recognize
(B) hoard
(C) trample
(D) retrieve
(E) approach
20. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only----government records to see----evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
(A) inspect.. questionable
(B) retain.. circumstantial
(C) distribute.. possible
(D) consult.. strong
(E) evaluate.. problematic

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35


21. In scientific inquiry it becomes a matter of duty to expose a ----hypothesis to every possible kind of----.
(A) tentative.. examination
(B) debatable.. approximation
(C) well-established.. rationalization
(D) logical.. elaboration
(E) suspect.. correlation
22. Charlotte Salomon's biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ----public events, retain their hold on the----recording them.
(A) transitory.. culture
(B) dramatic.. majority
(C) overpowering.. individual
(D) conventional.. audience
(E) relentless.. institution
23. Philosophical problems arise when people ask questions that, though very----, have certain characteristics in common.
(A) relevant
(B) elementary
(C) abstract
(D) diverse
(E) controversial
24. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work simultaneously, the picture's illusion of----three-dimensional appearance must therefore result from the viewer's integration of various indicators perceived----.
(A) imitative.. coincidentally
(B) uniform.. successively
(C) temporary.. comprehensively
(D) expressive.. sympathetically
(E) schematic.. passively
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