会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22


  下面是一家外资所(lawfirm)的面试题,我们把它作为法律英语培训的第一课,也让大家测试一下自己的法律英语水平,不管有多难,我们希望大家能够认真做一做,稍后我们会提供一个参考答案给大家:) 所以,一定要抓紧时间。
  如果这份试卷对您有难度,那我们的目的是:通过我们一年的培训,一年的共同努力,我们就能很轻易地完成它! 加油!
  Scat Youngen, attorney at law, fresh out of law school, goes to work for Tom Olden, an established personal injury plaintiff’s attorney. The way the deal operates is this: Olden will given Youngen a bunch of files to work on, and Youngen gets to keep half of what he makes off the file. Any cases that come in just to see Youngen get the same treatment. In return for the 50% Olden gets from Youngen’s work Olden pays all the overhead of the office. Everything was "at will" and if Youngen ever wanted to leave, he had to pay Olden 50% of all recoveries on cases he took with him.
  Youngen soon made a name for himself and started getting clients on his own. One day, two years after Youngen joined Olden, a huge case came into the office, just for Youngen. The client said: "I only want you to work on my case. Frankly, I don’t like Olden. `Fact o’ bidness’ is, I almost didn’t come to you at all, cause I don’t want Olden to get any part of this fee." No problem, Youngen said.
  Youngen filed suit (Olden paid the filing fee) and worked the case from Olden’s office, then left with all his files one night about six months later. Six months after that, Youngen settled the case for six ka-zillion dollars, of which two ka-zillion was his fee. Olden filed suit for his one ka-zillion dollar divvy, and Youngen answered that the client only wanted youngen to get the fee. Naturally, because this was a deal lawyers made amongst themselves (instead of for other folks) everything was oral. Olden has a memo that he passed out to everybody in the firm a year after Youngen joined which said "It has come to my attention that lawyers have left this firm in the past without listing all the cases they took with them, and that I haven’t been getting my half of those settlements. Henceforward, if anyone leaves, they’ll have to give me a list and sign a promise to pay over half. If you don’t like it, give me your keys today. If any clients want you particularly to work their case, you can check the file out after the client agrees that I have a lien on any fee."
  Youngen didn’t give the list or sign the promise and his client didn’t agree that Olden had a lien.
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查看完整版本: 金融英语其他辅导:法律英语培训(学前测试1