会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22


  第1名 Bugatti Veyron16.4产地:法国价格:1192057美元Bugatti Veyron因为不断地推迟上市而没落得好名声,如今它终于在欧洲上市销售了。其制造公司还打算将其引入美国市场销售。这款车使用16汽缸1001马力的 发动机。
Bugatti Veyron is lack of good reputation because of constant postponing, and now it was finally sold in Europe. The manufacturing company also intended to be introduce it to the U.S. market. The car carries a 16-cylinder 1001 hp engine.
第2名 PaganiZondaRoadsterFC12S7.3产地:意大利价格:667321美元Pagani是一个很时尚的以生产外形激进的跑车见长的汽车厂商。它的这款车Zonda旗舰型功率有650马力。2006新款使其跻身本榜单。
Pagani is a car manufacturer that is famous for its radical and stylish sports cars. The Zonda flagship has 650 hp power.
第3名 SSCUltimateAero产地:美国价格:654500美元最贵的美国车,也是最快的美国车。SSC的时速大约可以达到416至437公里。
This is the most expensive American car and the fastest American car as well. SSC can reach the speed of about 416-437 km per hour.
第4名 Leblanc Mirabeau产地:瑞士价格:645084美元Leblanc制造了最新的Mirabeau跑车,并打算在2006年底或者2007年初之前争取到其在美国街头合ㄐ惺坏娜Αirabeau 跑车动力约可达700马力。
Leblanc has made the latest Mirabeau sports car and intends to fight for the legal driving rights in American streets by the end of 2006 or early 2007. Mirabeau is up to about 700 horsepower.
第5名 SaleenS7TwinTurbo产地:美国欧洲价格:637723美元美国价格:555000美元该车从去年的第1名下降到第5名。它使用750马力的V8发动机,0-96km/h加速时间为3秒。
The car has fell from last year's No. 1 down to No. 5. It uses 750-horsepower V8 engine ,and the acceleration time 0-96km / h is 3 seconds.
第6名 KoenigseggCCR产地:瑞典美国以外价格:545568美元美国价格:540000美元Koenigsegg的CCR使用806马力的V8发动机。在最近的日内瓦车展,Koenigsegg推出了CCX,其CC家族的新衍生成员,在美 国街头可合法行驶。
Koenigsegg's CCR uss the 806-horsepower V8 engine. In the recent Geneva Motor Show, Koenigsegg unveiled CCX, a new derivative of its CC family. In the United States it may be legally driven on the streets.
第7名 Mercedes-BenzSLRMcLarens产地:德国美国价格:452750美元SLRMcLaren同时也是世界最昂贵汽车榜单的中流砥柱。这款车可能是街头合法行驶的跑车中最舒适和优雅的。SLR是奔驰和具有传奇色彩的英国 跑车制造商McLaren的协作产物。
SLRMcLaren is also the mainstay on the world's most expensive car list. The car may be the most comfortable and elegant street legal sports car. it's the collaboration product of Mercedes-Benz SLR and the legendary British sports car manufacturer McLaren.
第8名 迈巴赫62产地:德国欧洲价格:448153美元美国价格:385250美元迈巴赫62超豪华轿车是梅赛德斯-奔驰制造的,令人震撼的是,这款车尽管造价无比昂贵,却利润丰厚。尽管在欧洲迈巴赫62比SLRMcLaren更 贵,但在美国市场上,SLR则比迈巴赫62略贵。
Maybach 62 ultra-luxury sedan is made by Mercedes - Benz. Though the cost is rather high, manufacturers earned more. In Europe, Maybach 62 is more expensive than SLRMcLaren, but in the U.S. market, SLR is slightly more expensive than the Maybach 62.
第9名 保时捷 CarreraGT跑车一些汽车新闻曾宣称保时捷已经停止销售其CarreraGT跑车,但保时捷已确认,其价值44万美元的敞篷旗舰车在美国市场仍有销售。 CarreraGT使用10缸发动机,除了跑车之外很少用于其他车型。
Some News claims that Porsche has stopped selling its CarreraGT sports cars, but Porsche has confirmed that, the convertible flagship car valued 440,000 U.S. dollars is still sold in the U.S. market. CarreraGT uses a 10-cylinder engine, which is rarely used except for sports cars.
第10名 迈巴赫57S迈巴赫的最新款57S是其系列车型的运动款。迈巴赫57S比迈巴赫57或62马力更为强大。57S使用的是604马力发动机,而57和62车型使用 的则是543马力发动机。
Maybach 57S is sports vehicles among its latest series. The horsepower of Maybach 57S is stronger than Maybach 57 or 62. 57S uses a 604-horsepower engine, while 57 and 62 models use 543 horsepower engines.
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