氏柴深嗔 窟燕噐 2012-8-16 08:05:44


  Part One          Listening
  Section One (10%)
  Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c and d, and decide which is the best answer.
  Now you will hear the example:
  She went to the bank with Mr. Smith.
  You will read:
  A. She went home.   C.She went to the bank.
  B. She liked Mr. smith.  D.She went to Mr. Smith¨s house.
  Statement C, "She went to the bank" is the closest in meaning to the statement "She went to the bank with Mr. Smith." Therefore, you should choose answer C. Now listen to the statements.
  A. The next day.
  B. The coming Friday.
  C. Next Saturday.
  D. The following Monday.
  A. We hope our funds can be increased.
  B. To get back the money is our hope.
  C. We hope our funds can be kept without danger.
  D. To make more profit is our hope.
  A. We would like to be paid for the stock.
  B. We would like to adapt ourselves to the present situation.
  C. Installment is acceptable for the transactions at present.
  D. We would like to store our money here.
  A. Banking globalization is in danger at present.
  B. It¨s too early to stage banking globalization.
  C. Banking globalization is an urgent challenge.
  D. An urgent problem is facing banks all over the world.
  A. They usually hold savings accounts.
  B. They have current accounts.
  C. They specialize in long-term savings accounts and mortgages.
  D. They deal in short-term savings accounts.
  A. the remitting bank
  B. the negotiating bank
  C. the remitting bank
  D. the collecting bank
  A. a sight draft b
  B. a usance draft
  C. an overdraft
  D. a clean draft
  A. Deflation results from the reduction in the money supply.
  B. The money supply has been reduced.
  C. The demand for the money supply has gone up.
  D. Inflation shows an increase in the money supply.
  A. The merchant expects his goods to be sold quickly.
  B. The dividend increase made the stockholders pleased.
  C. The Workers are pleased with the wage increase.
  D. The stockholders have no dividend this year.
  A. I don¨t think there¨s a mistake on my statement.
  B. I don¨t think there¨s an error on the financial statement.
  C. I think there¨s a mistake on my monthly statement.
  D. I think there¨s a mistake on the auditing statement.
  Section Two (10%)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
  Now you will hear :
  M: Does our bank have a direct correspondent relationship with the Bradalys¨ Bank?
  W:No, we don¨t. So we have to advise this L/C via another bank.
  Q: Which of the following is right?
  Now you will read:
  A. We can advise this L/C to the Bradlays¨ Bank.
  B. The Bradlays¨ Bank is our correspondent.
  C. The L/C has to be advised by a third bank.
  D. We should advise this L/C by ourselves.
  From the conversation we know that we have to advise this L/C via another bank. The best answer is C. Therefore you should choose answer C.
  A. 8%. B. 16%.
  C. 22%. D. 32%.
  A. Restaurant. B. Super market.
  C. ticket office. D. Hotel.
  A. a mortgage loan
  B. a start-up loan
  C. a consumer loan
  D. an interbank loan
  A. 2,000 Euros B. 20,000 Euros
  C. 676.02 Euros D. 672.06 Euros
  A. The woman can¨t get cash before the proceeds are collected.
  B. There is something wrong with the proceeds.
  C. The woman will be paid directly by the paying bank.

氏柴深嗔 窟燕噐 2012-8-16 08:05:45


  D. The personal cheque can¨t be encashed over the counter.
  A. Some yen notes.
  B. Some yuan notes.
  C. Some dollar notes.
  D. Some pound notes.
  A. of the house value.
  B. of the mortgage value.
  C. of the bank¨s appraised value.
  D. of the depreciated value.
  A. The size of the box.
  B. The location of the box.
  C. The value of the box.
  D. Both A and B.
  A. open an account
  B. cross a cheque
  C. cash a cheque
  D. draw a line of credit
  A. a savings account
  B. a fixed account
  C. a checking account
  D. a checking account
  Section Three (10%)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions about what was said. The passages and questions wi1l be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
  Questions 21--24 are based on passage 1 
  A. exporter B. importer
  C. supplier D. producer
  A. advising bank
  B. correspondent bank
  C. reimbursing bank
  D. agent
  A. when the merchandise ordered is shipped.
  B. when the importer either pays the draft or accepts it.
  C. when the contract is signed
  D. when the exporter applies for collection.
  A. Bill of Lading
  B. Commercial Invoice
  C. Insurance Policy
  D. Certificate of Origin
  Questions 25-27 are based on passage 2 
  A. Those who have large sum of money at home.
  B. Those who will be away for a long time.
  C. Those who will stay at the bank for a long time.
  D. Those who will deposit a large sum of money for a long time.
  A. favorable rates of interest.
  B. negotiable
  C. issued in Sterling and US dollar
  D. Both A and B.
  A. The holder will receive more for the CD when negotiating it.
  B. The holder will receive less for the CD when negotiating it.
  C. The holder will keep the CD for longer time.
  D. The holder will get back only the nominal value of the CD.
  Questions 28-30 are based on Passage 3 
  A. On spot.
  B. Over the counter.
  C. Over computer screens.
  D. Subject to collection.
  A. Just overnight.
  B. more than 2 days.
  C. A few hours.
  D. Between overnight and 2 days.
  A. savings accounts. B. Checking accounts.
  C. Loan accounts. D. Above all.
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