会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37


  Will sterling follow the US dollar? As Willem Buiter pointed out last week (“The silver lining in sterling's decline”, January 4), this is highly likely. Movements in exchange rates are, to put it mildly, unpredictable. But this one ought to happen. It should also be welcomed. This possibility was, indeed, why the UK had to keep out of the eurozone.
  Like the US, the UK has had buoyant credit growth, huge rises in house prices, low private and national savings and a sizeable current account deficit. Like the US, it also absorbed the surplus savings of much of the rest of the world in the 2000s. It is, in short, one of the canonical “Anglo-Saxon” economies.
  Yet, in many respects, the UK position is worse than that of the US. The run-up in UK house prices, for example, was much bigger than in the US. On almost any measure, housing valuations and household indebtedness are still more extreme. To take one example, at the end of 2006, household mortgage debt was 126 per cent of disposable income, against a mere 104 per cent in the US.
  Moreover, the UK's current account deficit, at 5.7 per cent of GDP in the third quarter of 2007, was bigger than that of the US. Indeed, it was bigger even than it seems. As Andrew Smithers of London-based research company Smithers & Co argues, the deficit is significantly understated by current statistical conventions*. Retained earnings of direct investment are included in data on investment income, but this is not the case for portfolio investment. Since a high proportion of UK-based multinationals are owned by foreign portfolio investors, this exaggerates the UK's net investment income. The UK's true current account deficit may have been close to 7 per cent of GDP.
  Yet, until recently, sterling was a very strong currency. Even last December, the trade-weighted real exchange rate calculated by JPMorgan was 7 per cent above its average since 1970. A year ago it was almost 14 per cent above that average. Over the past 37 years, sterling's real exchange rate was as high as a year ago only in early 2004, between mid-1997 and mid-2000 and from mid-1980 to mid-1981. Against the dollar, sterling peaked last November at $2.11. This was higher than at any time since 1981 and more than 50 per cent higher than in mid-2001

  Such high valuations were unlikely to last and have not done so. The strength was driven by the country's stable economy, open capital markets and the highest nominal interest rates in the Group of Seven leading high-income countries. But now growth seems likely to slow sharply, short-term interest rates are set to fall and capital markets are suffering credit-crunch blues.
  Should anybody worry about a continued slide in sterling? Definitely no, is my answer. Those used to cheap holidays abroad will be unhappy. But these were in effect financed on credit. That could not last. It is probable that the credit squeeze and associated correction in the housing market will weaken consumption sharply this year. But since the UK's private sector is running a financial deficit of 3 per cent of GDP and household savings in the third quarter of 2007 were a mere 3.4 per cent of disposable incomes, this is also highly desirable.
  In the short to medium run, such a correction is also likely to mean a significant slowdown in the economy, possibly even negative growth in one or more quarters. Offsetting fiscal action is virtually impossible, without scrapping the fiscal rules, though the automatic stabilisers might still work. Indeed, even if the rules were put to one side, fiscal action would be dangerous, since it could endanger the credibility of low inflation. But comments by Gordon Brown, prime minister, and Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, on prospects for inflation and monetary policy, of the kind heard this week, are at least as big a danger, particularly since reappointment of the governor of the Bank of England is still up in the air.
  Yet I do not want to be too critical of Mr Brown, since he saved the UK from the euro. The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby. But if the UK had been in the eurozone and so experienced even lower interest rates, the credit boom would have been even bigger and the adjustment ahead even more painful.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38


  The UK must now shift to an economy with lower real house prices, higher savings, a smaller current account deficit and a weaker real exchange rate. This adjustment is far better achieved through a decline in the nominal exchange rate than through the years of “competitive disinflation” that Spain, to take one example, is likely to suffer.
  British policymakers must focus only on preserving credibly low inflation. That is essential if a sterling retreat is not to become a rout. The external adjustment is most unlikely to be big enough or fast enough to offset the slowdown in domestic demand, particularly given the constraints on fiscal action. So be it: unbalanced growth cannot last forever. The UK must simply keep its nerve while the economy and currency come down to earth. So, too, should the government.</p>
  英镑会跟着美元走吗?正如威廉姆?比特(Willem Buiter)在英国《金融时报》1月4日版《英镑下跌乌云之中的一丝阳光》(The silver lining in sterling's decline)中指出的那样,这很有可能。不夸张地讲,汇率变动是无法预测的。但英镑应该贬值,我们也应对此持欢迎态度。实际上,这种可能性正是英国为何不能加入欧元区的原因。
  此外,在2007年第三季度,英国经常账户赤字相当于国内生产总值(GDP)的5.7%,这一比例高于美国。实际上,这一比例比表面上看起来还要高。正如总部位于伦敦的研究公司Smithers & Co的安德鲁?史密瑟斯(Andrew Smithers) 所指出的那样,目前的统计规则大大低估了赤字水平。直接投资的留存收益包含在投资收入数据中,但对于组合投资却并非如此。由于很大一部分总部位于英国的跨国企业都是由外国组合投资者拥有的,所以这夸大了英国的净投资收入。英国的真实经常账户赤字可能接近GDP的7%。
  但直到最近一段时间,英镑仍是一个非常坚挺的币种。甚至在去年12月,据摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)计算,英镑的实际贸易加权汇率(trade-weighted real exchange rate)比1970年以来的平均值高出7%。一年前,它几乎高出该平均值14%。在过去的37年中,英镑的实际汇率只在2004年初、1997年中至2000年中,以及从1980年中至1981年中到达过这一高度。去年11月,英镑兑美元汇率达到1:2.11的峰值水平。这比1981年以来任何时候都要高,并比2001年中的汇率水平高出50%。
  如此高的估值不太可能持续下去,而事实也是如此。英镑高企的驱动因素包括稳定的英国经济、开放的资本市场,以及在高收入国家俱乐部七国集团(Group of Seven)中最高的名义利率。但现在英国经济增长似乎可能会大幅放缓、短期利率将有所走低,而资本市场正受到信贷紧缩的影响。
  从短期到中期角度看,这样一种调整还可能意味着经济增长大幅减缓,甚至在一个或多个季度中出现负增长。如果不废除相关财政规定,利用财政措施来抵销这些影响几乎是不可能的,不过自动稳定机制仍然可能发挥作用。实际上,即便我们置规定于不顾,财政措施仍然是危险的,因为它会危及低通胀政策的可信度。然而,英国首相戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)与财政大臣阿里斯代尔?达林(Alistair Darling)在本周发表的关于通胀与货币政策前景的言论至少有着同等的危险性,尤其在英国央行行长连任一事仍未确定之时。
  英国经济现在必须转向更低的实际房地产价格、更高的储蓄、更小的经常账户赤字,以及更加疲软的汇率。这种调整最好是通过名义汇率下跌而实现,而不是通过像西班牙那样可能遭受多年的“竞争性通缩”(competitive disinflation)。

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:39


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