会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37


  Back to the future. China, source of some of the world's biggest initial public offerings in recent years, is preparing to unleash another blockbuster. China Construction Engineering Corp's planned IPO is expected to raise about $6bn. This would be China's fourth largest IPO and the biggest in the world so far this year behind Visa of the US.
  Market dynamics, however, could not be more different from last year, when IPOs raised $63bn, according to Dealogic. That year, the Shanghai composite index of renminbi- denominated “A” shares almost doubled. Selling stock was like handing candy to children: oversubscription levels were massive and investors were rewarded with an average 150 per cent gain on the first day of trading. This year, by contrast, the index is down about 40 per cent and daily turnover has slumped.
  Chinese authorities, exploiting the power granted to regulators in what is still – when required – a command economy, have sought to prop up prices. Brakes put in place as the market roared ahead last year, including the introduction of a share trading tax, were swiftly dismantled on the way down. In April, authorities moved to curb sales of state-owned shares, partially unwinding reforms of state-owned shares in 2005.
  Meanwhile, authorities are aiming to pique interest by introducing activities such as margin lending. The orchestrated balance between supply and demand, however, is imperfect. When the market was resurgent, the fledgling fund management industry found it easy to attract investors: Z-Ben, a fund management consultancy, says fund managers were able to pull in $1.5bn in a day; now it takes a month to raise just a fraction of that. Yet some 50 new funds have been approved so far this year, more than were approved in the whole of last year. The vast majority of these are equity-focused. Regulators have more tweaking to do before Shanghai regains its allure
  回到未来。作为近年来一些全球最大规模首次公开发行(IPO)发源地的中国,正在筹备另一家巨无霸公司的上市。中国建筑股份有限公司(China Construction Engineering Corp)计划进行的IPO有望筹集约60亿美元。这将是中国第四大规模的IPO,也将是今年以来仅次于美国Visa的全球最大规模IPO。
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查看完整版本: 金融英语阅读辅导:中国政府能“托市”吗?