会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37

What is global significance of Chinese economic trend?

  BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) -- Where is the Chinese economy going? In the era of globalization, this is a question for China, and also something for the world to consider.
  The just-ended Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing attracted worldwide media attention with the BBC describing it as a meeting of great importance.
  Indeed, against the backdrop of the deep interaction between the Chinese economy and the global economy, China's economic trend will undoubtedly affect the world.
  The Central Economic Work Conference conveyed the message that the international financial crisis is not over yet, that China will face the challenges and share the opportunities together with the world in the coming 2011.
  India's Economic Times noted that the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out the world economy is expected to continue to grow next year, but there are still many unstable and uncertain factors.
  This is China's basic judgment for the world economic situation in 2011, and is also the most likely development path for the world economy next year.
  The world economic situation is very complex for the past three years since the outbreak of U.S. sub-prime crisis in the summer of 2007. In the autumn of 2008, after the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the world economy plunged into the worst downturn since the end of World War II.
  In face of the critical situation, China and the international community helped each other overcome the difficulties in the framework of the Group of 20 by strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination and other measures. From the second quarter of 2009, the world economy gradually began a slow and long-term recovery.
  From the second quarter of 2010, with the effect of stimulus policy by developed economies gradually diminishing and the private sector not successfully receiving the "relay baton" to drive the economy, the economic recovery for developed economies slowed down. And the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis has added new uncertainties for the prospect of a world economic recovery.
  Currently, the world economic recovery has been uneven. It is generally good for emerging and developing economies, while the developed economies are facing more problems such as high unemployment rates, weak recovery for key industries like real estate and banking, high government deficits, and public debt.
  It is worth pointing out that although strengthening international financial regulations and improving global economic governance has become an international consensus since the breakout of the financial crisis,progress has been slow.
  The underlying institutional and mechanism reasons causing the international financial crisis have not yet been eliminated.
  Meanwhile, the U.S., the Eurozone and Japan are all facing problems of soaring government deficits and public debt. In particular, the risk of sovereign debt crisis in Eurozone has not been eliminated. In addition, the lingering shadow of protectionism and the ultra-low benchmark interest rates and quantitative easing monetary policies of Western countries could trigger problems like a new "hot money" speculation, asset bubbles and inflation pressure.
  Looking forward to 2011, the world economic recovery is set not to be smooth. With a variety of uncertainties, only China and the international community strengthen cooperation and solidarity can the whole world rid itself the adverse effects of the global financial crisis as soon as possible and promote the sustained recovery for world economy. This is China's judgment, and also the consensus of the international community.
  The Central Economic Work Conference put forward that China will adhere to mutually beneficial and win-win opening up strategy, and expand international economic cooperation.
  For over 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy has had closer ties with the world economy. China's development is inseparable from the world, and the world's development also needs China. In the international financial crisis, China's economy maintained steady and rapid growth, making a positive contribution to the economic recovery in Asia and the world.
  Looking forward to 2011, China's development needs better access to international markets. China needs stability and expansion of external demand to maintain stable and healthy development of its export industries. China needs the introduction of international advanced technology and management experience to help achieve green development and sustainable development and to facilitate the adjustment of economic structure and the leap-forward development of industries.
  Meanwhile, China will continue to share with the world its development opportunities. China is becoming an important global market. During the process of the world economic recovery, China is maintaining rapid growth not only in exports but also in imports. China has become an important trading partner and export market for many economies in Asia and even the world.
  From the electronics components of Japan and South Korea to fruits from Southeast Asia, from Australia's iron ore to agricultural products in Latin America, from oil from the Middle East to Africa's mineral resources, the so-called "Chinese demand" resulting from the steady and rapid growth is becoming an important positive factor to promote world economic recovery.
  According to a Reuters report, the multinational companies have confidence in the prospects of the Chinese market. Sales of the U.S. auto giant General Motors in China, for example, have reached 2.17 million for the first 11 months of this year, with the number expected to reach more than 2.5 million next year.
  In addition, China is expanding its foreign investment and helps contribute to an increase in local employment, improvement of infrastructure and economic and social progress.
  As a major global investment destination, China continues to improve and standardize its investment environment.
  It is worth mentioning that China's rapid economic development prompted many Chinese enterprises to go to international capital markets. From Singapore to London and New York, a large number of innovative Chinese companies listed overseas provide an important channel for global investors to participate and share in China's development.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38

What is global significance of Chinese economic trend?

  China's development is open development. China's development is mutually beneficial and win-win development.
  Bloomberg believes that China is trying to shake off dependence on industrial investment and exports to develop personal consumption and services, which will also help the world economy.
  The Central Economic Work Conference put forward that China will accelerate the strategic adjustment of economic structure and enhance coordination and competitiveness in economic development.
  This is the main direction of economic development for China in 2011 and even for the period from 2011 to 2015. This is also the internal requirement for the world economy to achieve strong, balanced and sustainable growth.
  At the G2-0 Pittsburgh Summit in the U.S. in September 2009, the world's major developed economies and major emerging economies jointly put forward the "strong, sustainable and balanced" growth framework.
  In this year's G-20 Toronto Summit and Seoul Summit and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Yokohama, Japan, achieving balanced and sustainable growth has become the consensus of all parties.
  Expanding domestic demand, improving quality and efficiency of investment, accelerating the growth of service industries, coping with climate change, developing a green economy... China is doing all these things to optimize the economic structure and achieve a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development for its economy.
  Accelerating the transformation of economic development is both the needs of self-development, but also conforming to the trend of world economic development. This is China's own economic development expectation and contribution for the world economy to achieve "strong, sustainable and balanced" growth.
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