会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37

金融英语阅读:Apple faces legal action over iPad name

  Proview, a struggling Taiwanese-owned company, has threatened to sue Apple for alleged trademark infringement in a lingering dispute that illustrates the complexity of branding in far-flung markets.
  “We will sue them for damages in China and in the US,” Yang Rongshan, Proview chairman, told the Financial Times.
  “我们将在中国和美国起诉他们,要求得到赔偿金,” 唯冠董事长杨荣山对英国《金融时报》表示。
  If Proview does pursue legal action, trademark experts said Apple could face additional costs in selling its iPad tablet computer in China, where Proview claims rights.
  Proview is a contract manufacturer?of flat screens that made an unsuccessful attempt almost a decade ago to market a tablet computer it called I-Pad.
  The company registered trademarks for the IPAD name in the EU, China, Mexico, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam between 2000 and 2004, trademark databases show.
  However, in pending cases in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Apple won preliminary injunctions to stop Proview from selling off the IPAD name, according to people?involved?in the cases. They said the courts have not yet reached the issue of ownership. Apple said it would not comment on pending litigation.
  According to Mr Yang, Proview Electronics (Taiwan) agreed in 2006 to sell the “global trademark” for the IPAD name to a US-registered company called IP Application Development (IPAD) for £35,000. Proview did not at the time suspect the company had any link with Apple.
  据杨荣山表示,台湾唯冠电子股份有限公司在2006年同意以3.5万英镑的价格,将IPAD品牌的“全球商标权”售予在美国注册的公司IP Application Development (IPAD)。当时唯冠并未怀疑那家公司与苹果有任何联系。
  However, Mr Yang claims that the trademarks for the Chinese market were not included in that agreement. These were filed in 2000 by Proview Technology (Shenzhen), another affiliate of Proview International, the group’s Hong Kong-listed holding company, rather than by the Taiwan unit.
  不过,杨荣山称,那份协议不包括中国市场所用的商标。这些商标是2000年由集团在香港上市的控股公司唯冠国际(Proview International)的另一家附属公司唯冠科技(深圳)申请的,与唯冠台湾没有关系。
  “It is arrogant of Apple to just ignore our rights and go ahead selling the iPad in this market, and we will oppose that,” said Mr Yang. “Besides that, we are in big financial trouble and the trademarks are a valuable asset that could help us sort out part of that trouble.”
  A group of Chinese creditor banks seized the assets of Proview’s Shenzhen unit, including the trademarks, after the company defaulted on loans worth $400m.
  Mr Yang said both Proview’s shareholders and creditors were eager to see the trademarks sold at the highest possible price – but this action has been blocked by the preliminary injunctions granted after Apple and IP Application Development sued Proview.

  Apple’s suit seeks an order requiring Proview to assign the IPAD trademarks for China to IP Application Development, pointing to the 2006 agreement. But according to online trademark databases, the ownership of the EU trademark for IPAD changed from Proview to Apple earlier this year. Two IPAD trademarks registered in China are still shown as belonging to Proview.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38

金融英语阅读:Apple faces legal action over iPad name

</p>  苹果方面在诉讼中,以2006年协议为依据,请求法庭命令唯冠将中国的IPAD商标让与IP Application Development。但根据在线商标数据库,欧盟境内IPAD商标的所有权是在今年早些时候从唯冠转让至苹果的。在中国注册的两个IPAD商标仍显示为唯冠所有。
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