会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37

货币演变史The History of Money

  We used to look at money with an intrinsic value as metal.A revolutionary new concept appeared in Britain when paper money was first used there.
  In this country the first paper money was the bank note developed by the early goldsmith bankers.In the seventh century,they gave receipts to people who put money in their places for safe keeping.Then they noticed that sometimes the receipts were given by the original holder to a second person to whom he owed a debt.And this person would bring the receipt to the bankers to take gold in its place.The practice became formalized as the bankers began to issue notes for fixed amounts — £10,£50,£100 and so on.These fixed amounts of notes were payable to anyone who held them.
  The great importance in development of the bank note was that the value of this new money depended on the credit of the banker who issued it.Anyone who took a banker’s note in payment of a debt was relying on the integrity of the banker and whether he was a good business man.He must have enough gold to back his notes;if he failed to give enough gold to those holding notes,he went broke and those people also lost money.
  For two centuries,the dangers of paper money and different forms of control were discussed.Finally the Bank of England began to take over the note issue in England and Wales;in the 1ater half of the nineteenth century this process became faster,and by 1921 the whole of the note issue was controlled by the Bank.There people no longer felt worried about the failure of the Bank as before.
  New Words & Terms
  intrinsic a.内在的,固有的,本质的 goldsmith n.金匠
  banker n.银行家;经营银行业务者 concept n.概念
  receipt n.收据;收入;收到 note n.纸币;票据
  credit n.(个人,公司对于偿债方面的)信用,信誉;信用贷款
  original a.原先的;最早的 formalize
  payment n.付款,支付 issue
  integrity n.正直;诚实 back
  amount n.总额;总计;数量 broke a.身无分文的,破了产的
  payable a.应付的;可付的 process
  depend on依赖
  rely on信赖,依赖 no longer不再
  Proper Names
  Britain大不列颠(包括英格兰、威尔士及苏格兰) Bank of England英格兰银行
  1.Money with an intrinsic value as metal:the value of the metal in the money.
  2.Then they noticed that sometimes the receipts were given by the original holder to a second person to whom he owed a debt.
  3.And this person would bring the receipt to the bankers to take gold in its place.
  4.He went broke.
  如:go blind 失明 go mad 疯了 go bankrupt 破产
  Exercises to the Text
  I.Answer the following questions.
  1.What does the writer mean by a revolutionary new concept?
  2.What was the first paper money in Britain? Who developed it?
  3.In which century did the first paper money first appear?
  4.How was the first paper money developed?
  5.How did the paper money become formalized?
  6.What was the great importance in the development Of the bank note?
  7.How do you understand“Anyone who took a banker’s note in
  payment of a debt was relying on the integrity of the banker?”
  8.Do you think paper money can be dangerous?
  9.What steps were taken in England and Wales to contr01
  the note issue according to the text?
  10.When and by which bank was the whole of the note issue
  Ⅱ.Match the words or phrases in Column A with those in
  Column B.
  A B
  1.intrinsic a.written statement that sth.(money or goods) has been received
  2.note b.existing within,not from outside
  3.Receipt c.sum of money to be paid
  4.credit d.publish (books);put stamps,banknotes into circulation
  5.banker e.become penniless
  6.go broke f.belief of others that a

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38

货币演变史The History of Money

  person,business company,etc.can pay debts
  7.issue g.a person who owns or as a
  partner of a bank
  8.fixed amounts h.paper money
  9.payment of a debt i.quantity
  Ⅲ.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below.Change the form if necessary.
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