会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37


  1. Vigorous Development of the Securities Sector
  The financial markets can be classified in the following six
  l Capital markets, which consist of:
  capital market
  Stock market, which provides financing through the issuance of
  shares, and enable the subsequent trading thereof. Shares are
  certificates or book entries representing ownership in a
  corporation or similar entity.
  (2)thereof ad.在其中, 关于...
  (3)(certificates or book entries)representing ownership in a
  corporation or similar
  entity由动名词representing引导的动名词短语,做后置定语,修饰前面的certificates or book
  (4)certificate n.A document certifying ownership.凭证:证明所有权的文件
  Bond market, which provides financing through the issuance of
  bonds, and enable the subsequent trading thereof. Bonds are
  written evidences of debts.
  (2)evidence n.A thing or things helpful in forming a
  conclusion or judgment:证明,证据:有助于得出结论或做出判断的东西或事物
  l Commodity market, which facilitates the trading of
  (1)commodity market商品市场
  l Money market, which provides short term debt
  financing and investment.
  (1)debt financing债务融资
  l Derivatives market, which provides instruments for
  the management of financial risk.
  (1)derivatives market衍生品市场
  Futures market, where standardized futures contracts and
  options contracts on a whole range of underlying products are
  (1)futures market期货市场
  (2)futures contracts期货合约
  (3)options contracts期权合约
  Options are the right to buy or sell a financial instrument at
  an agreed price at some future time.
  (1)option n.A right to buy or sell specific securities or
  commodities at a stated price within a specified
  l Insurance market, which facilitates the
  redistribution of various risks.
  insurance market保险市场
  l Foreign exchange market, which facilitates the
  trading of foreign exchange.
  The capital market consists of primary and secondary markets.
  The primary market is that part of the capital market that
  deals with the issuance of new securities. The secondary
  market is the financial market for trading of securities that
  have already been issued in an initial private or public
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