会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37


  Individuals receive most of their income as suppliers of the factors of production As laborers they receive wages. As landlords they receive rent As lenders of money capital they receive interest. As owners or part owners of business firms they receive an income that is partly interest and partly pro fits. We have seen above that their decisions in disposing of thisincomedetermine what goods will be produced and in what quantities.
  In primitive times, individuals and families satisfied their own wants directly by hunting and fishing and gathering wild foods. If they had clothing, it was the skins of animals they had killed themselves They built their own shelter in the form of huts or of tents made from skins. Later some people started to raise agricultural products and others started to breed
domesticated animals for their own use As long as these conditions persisted, the economy was simple to understand and explain Later, however, we began to have some specialization and division of labor. Some skilled individuals began to devote most of their time to making bows and arrows and trading them to the hunters for meat. Some people discovered how to make clay pots and traded them to others for agricultural products. In some places people discovered how to weave cloth and traded the cloth for other products. Most primitive tribes developed some form of money to overcome the difficulties of direct barter exchange.
  Our present economic system represents an extremely high development of this principle of specialization and division of labor. Few people now produce goods for their own use and almost no one produces all the different kinds of goods that he wishes to use. Instead we find large numbers of individuals who devote all their working time to making a small part of
one particular article or performing one particular operation in a productive process. Others are performing various kinds of specialized services, most people sell their productive services for money and then use the money to buy goods and services that are produced by a large number of other people. Some people are engaged in making machines that will be used
to make other machines or tools with which to manufacture goods.
  This process of specialization and division of labor results in a tremendously greater output of goods and services than would be possible without it. It also makes us extremely
dependent upon other people both to buy the goods or services that we help to produce and to supply the goods or services for us to buy that we do not produce for ourselves. This interdependence contributes to the complexity and severity of many problems arising out of changes in economic activity. In spite of the problems created by interdependence, almost no
one advocates a return to a system of individual family self-sufficiency. Not only would a return to self-sufficiency mean a greatly reduced standard of living; it is doudtful if the present population could even be maintained under such a system
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