会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42


A:What can I do for you?B:I want to pay the electricity charge.This is the Charge Card.A:Well…,sorry to say that you cannot pay it here for overdue.B:What should I do then?A:You have to go to the Power Supply Office for it with additional fine for delaying payment.B:Oh!It’s inconvenient to pay various charges each month. Sometimes I am too busy to remember paying them in time.A:Why don’t you try the charge agency service of our bank?B:All right.I’ll have one at once.A:您想办理什么业务?B:我来付电费,这是缴费卡。 A:嗯…,对不起,您的缴费期已经超过,不能在这儿缴费了。B:那可怎么办呢?A:您得到供电所缴费,并支付一定的滞纳金。B:哦,每个月都要缴各种费真不方便。有时我忙得把缴费的事给忘了,不能及时缴费。 A:您为什么不办理我行的代理缴费业务呢? B:好的,立刻就办。
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查看完整版本: 金融英语口语:ElectricityChargeAgencyServices代收电费业务