会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42


  The British Financial System
  Situation 8
  情景 8
  Tatsuo Horita ,a banker from Japan ,is visiting with an officer ofthe Bank of England .
  They are talking about the British monetary and financial system .
  Horita:I understand that Bank of England notes have been legal tender in Britain since the earlypart of the 19th century .
  堀 田:据我所知,从19世纪初叶,英格兰银行发行的纸币就已经成为英国的法币了。
  Officer:Yes,actually from 1883,long before the Bank of England was the official central bank forBritain.
  职 员:是的,实际上从1833年开始,英格兰银行早已成为英国的官方中央银行了,
  And special restrictions put on note issurance by other banks in 1844 caused most banks todiscontinue issuing notes.
  H:Weren’t Bank of England notes backed by specie?
  堀 田:英格兰银行发行的纸币不是以金银铸币作为依据吗?
  O:Specie or government bonds until 1931.Since then ,of course,the Bank of England like othercentral banks has not held specie reserves equal to our note issue.
  职 员:直到1931年,还是以铸币或政府的债券为依据的。当然,从那以后,象其它的中央银行一样,英格兰银行并不持有与我们发行的纸币等量的金银铸币储备。
  H:When did the Bank of England become the official central bank of the United Kingdom?
  堀 田:英格兰银行什么时候成为联合王国的官方中央银行的呢?
  O:That’s difficult to say .Actually ,the bank was nationalized by the government in 1946.
  Before that ,however ,the bank had been the central banking instituion for over a century .
  While we were privately owned ,successive governments felt that we operated in the public interestand gradually enacted laws,
  which gave us various supervisory functions over other banks .
  H:So the bank now makes fiscal and monetary policies for the country ?
  O:In coperation with the Cabinet we do .Our functions are not as independent as those of theFederal Reserve in the United States.
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