会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34


  concrete scraper 混凝土铲运机
  concrete ship 水泥船
  concrete sleeper 混凝土轨枕
  concrete sprayer 混凝土喷射机
  concrete spreader 混凝土摊铺机
  concrete spreading plant 混凝土散布机
  concrete steel 钢筋钢
  concrete surface joint cutter 混凝土路面接缝切削机
  concrete tower 混凝土升运塔
  concrete vibrator 混凝土振捣器
  concrete vibratory machine 混凝土振捣机
  concrete 混凝土
  concrete-bar bending machine 钢筋弯曲机
  concrete-bar drawer 钢筋拉伸机
  concrete-bar straightening-cutting machine 钢筋调直切断机
  concrete-consistency meter 混凝土粘度计
  concrete-gun 水泥喷枪
  concrete-pump car混凝土泵车
  concrete-reinforcing steel 混凝土加固用钢筋
  concrete-vibrating compactor 混凝土振动压实机
  concreting equipment 浇灌混凝土设备
  concurrent boiler 直流锅炉
  concurrent centrifuge 无逆流离心机
  concurrent computer 并行计算机
  concurrent flow mixer 顺流混合器
  concurrent line coil detector 同流线圈探伤仪
  concurrent washer 顺流式洗涤机
  Cond aluminium 康德电线铝合金
  condar 康达
  condeaux 半漂白大麻帆布
  condensate stripper 凝液汽提塔
  condensate tank 凝液槽
  condensate trap 凝液收集器
  condensater 冷凝器
  condensation kettle 缩聚器
  condensation pump 冷凝泵
  condensation resin 缩聚树脂
  condensation water mixing tank 冷凝水混水箱
  condensation water separating tank 冷凝水分离箱
  condensation-preventing chemicals 防冷凝化学品
  condensator 冷凝器
  condensed brown 缩聚棕
  condensed flavine 缩聚嫩黄
  condensed keyboard 精简式键盘
  condensed milk 炼乳
  condensed skimmed milk 脱脂炼乳
  condensed soy 酱油膏
  condensed sulphur dyestuff 缩聚硫化染料
  condensed turquoise blue 缩聚翠蓝
  condensed zinc powder 冷凝锌粉
  condenserspot-welding machine 电容器点焊机
  condenser bank 电容器组
  condenser block 电容器盒
  condenser bolometer 电容式测辐射热计
  condenser box 电容器箱
  condenser card 末道梳毛机
  condenser ceramics 电容器陶瓷
  condenser checker 电容检验器
  condenser coil 冷凝蛇管
  condenser cotton yarn 湿捻单纱
  condenser coupling amplifier 电容耦合放大器
  condenser cylinder 凝水缸
  condenser diode storage 电容器二极管存储器
  condenser discharge resistance welder 电容蓄能接触焊机
  condenser discharge welder 电容放电式电焊机
  condenser divider 电容分压器
  condenser exhauster 凝水柜抽气器
  condenser filter 电容滤波器
  condenser input filter 电容器输入滤波器
  condenser lens 聚光镜
  condenser lightning arrestor 电容式避雷器
  condenser loudspeaker 电容式扬声器
  condenser microphone 电容式传声器
  condenser motor 电容式电动机
  condenser oil 电容器油
  condenser paper 电容器纸
  condenser pick-up 电容式拾音器
  condenser potential device 电容式仪表用变压器
  condenser pump 冷凝泵
  condenser receiver 电容式听筒
  condenser relief valve 冷凝器安全阀
  condenser revolver 聚光器旋转器
  condenser run motor 电容起动电动机
  condenser scoop 冷凝器吸水斗
  condenser sheeting 废纺纬纱阔幅平布
  condenser shunt type induction motor 电容分相式感应电动机
  condenser speaker 静电扬声器
  condenser stator 电容器定片
  condenser steam engine 凝汽式蒸汽机
  condenser tester 电容试验器
  condenser tissue machine 电容器纸机
  condenser tissue paper 隔气纸
  condenser transmitter 电容送话器
  condenser tube 冷凝器管
  condenser type bushing 电容器式绝缘套
  condenser type spot welder 电容储能点焊机
  condenser type surface attemperator 冷凝式表面减温器
  condenser weft 混纺纬纱
  condenser with bulbed inner tube 球形内管冷凝器
  condenser with fused inner tube 直形内芯封口冷凝管
  condenser yarn 粗纺毛纱
  condenser 集棉器
  condenser-start induction motor 电容起动感应电动机
  condensing funnel 冷凝漏斗
  condensing lens 聚光透镜
  condensing locomotive 冷凝式蒸汽机车
  condensing pressure regulator 冷凝压力调节器

  condensing steam engine 冷凝式蒸汽机
  condensing steam washer 凝结洗汽器
  condensing tower 冷凝塔
  condensing turbine with extraction 抽气凝汽式汽轮机
  condensing turbine 冷凝式汽轮机

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35


  condensing turbo-generator set 冷凝式汽轮发电机组
  condensing unit 冷凝机组
  condiment 调味品
  conditioner shampoo 调理香波
  conditioner windrower 割晒压扁机
  conditioner 调节器
  conditioning machine 调节温湿度机
  conditioning shampoo 护发洗发水
  condom 避孕套
  condongo 康唐戈低级生丝
  Condor 雁牌手表
  conductance and susceptance measuring bridge 电导纳测量电桥
  conductance relay 电导继电器
  conductance-accommodation bloodying diagram-scope 导纳血流图仪
  conducting body 导体
  conducting bridge 电导电桥
  conducting fibre 导电纤维
  conducting magnetic iron 导电磁铁
  conducting probe 导电探针
  conducting resin 导电树脂
  conducting salt 导电盐
  conducting strip 导电片
  conducting wire 导线
  conducting-core heterofilament 导电芯型双组分长丝
  conduction glaze 导电釉
  conduction pump 传导泵
  conduction type furnace 感应式电炉
  conductive adhesive 导电胶
  conductive agent for xerox paper 复印纸用导电剂
  conductive coupler 电导耦合器
  conductive fabric 导电织物
  conductive glass 导电玻璃
  conductive lubricant 导电性润滑剂
  conductive plastics 导电塑料
  conductive rubber products 导电橡胶制品
  conductive rubber slice 导电橡胶片
  conductive rubber stick 导电橡胶棒
  conductivity apparatus 导电测定器
  conductivity cell 电导电池
  conductivity gauge 电导仪
  conductivity indicator 导电率指示器
  conductivity measuring device 导电率测量装置
  conductivity meter 导电表
  conductivity modulated rectifier 电导率调制整流器
  conductivity probe 电导探针
  conductivity sensor 电导传感器
  conductivity type flow meter 电导式流量计
  conductometer 导电计
  conductometric particle counter 电导粒子计数器
  conductometric titrimeter 电导滴定计
  conductor pipe 导管
  conductor 导体
  conductor's punch 剪票器
  conductoscope 电导度计
  conductron 光电导摄像管
  conduit 导线管
  cone agitator 锥式搅拌机
  cone and disk type meter 锥-盘式流量计
  cone and jet cement mixer with hopper 带漏斗锥形射流式水泥搅拌机
  cone antenna 锥形天线
  cone bearing 锥形轴承
  cone belt 三角皮带
  cone classifier 锥形分级机
  cone clutch 锥形离合器
  cone concentrator 锥形选矿机
  cone core 宝塔筒管
  cone coupling 锥形联轴节
  cone creel 锥形筒子架
  cone crusher 圆锥破碎机
  cone friction drum 锥形摩擦鼓
  cone gill rover 铁炮式针梳粗纱机
  cone governor 锥形调节器
  cone head bolt 锥头螺栓
  cone head rivet 锥头铆钉
  cone loud speaker 锥形扬声器
  cone mill 锥形球磨机
  cone of lacebark pine 松塔
  cone penetrometer 锥探仪
  cone pulley 圆锥形滑车
  cone pyrometer 锥形高温计
  cone reducer 铁炮式粗纱机
  cone roof tank 锥顶罐
  cone separator 锥形分离器
  cone skirt 圆锥形裙
  cone tank 锥形槽
  cone traverse winder 宝塔锭倒线机
  cone type feed reel 圆锥式开卷机
  cone type feeder 锥形加料器
  cone type loudspeaker 圆锥形扬声器
  cone type mixer blender 锥形混合机
  cone type payoff reel 圆锥式开卷机
  cone type roller bearing 锥形滚柱轴承
  cone valve 锥形阀
  cone viscosimeter 锥形粘度计
  cone wheel 锥形砂轮
  cone winded raw silk 筒装生丝
  cone winder 锥形筒子络纱机
  cone winding frame 锥形络纱机
  cone winding machine 锥形络筒机
  cone-channel condenser 锥形光路聚光器
  cone-roll piercing mill 蘑菇式穿孔机
  cone-worm unit 球面蜗轮减速机
  Conen 克硫净
  conessine 可内新
  Conex 康纳克斯聚间苯二甲酰间苯二胺纤维
  coney skin coat 兔皮大衣
  coney 兔毛皮
  confection 时髦女服
  confectionery box 糖果盒
  confectionery packing machine 糖果包装机
  confectionery wrapper 糖果裹包机
  confectionery 糖果</p>
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