会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34


  child's umbrella 童伞
  child's vehicle 童车
  childbirth mattress 分娩褥垫
  children accordion 儿童手风琴
  children cotton yarn thread socks 童棉纱线袜
  children cysto urethroscope 儿科膀胱尿道窥测镜
  children electric motor 儿童电动摩托车
  children electronic organ 儿童电子琴
  children outer wear 儿童外衣
  children piano 儿童钢琴
  children shoes embroidered on silk satin 锦缎绣花童鞋
  children shoes 童鞋
  children's 2-piece suit 童二件套装
  children's bath shampoo 儿童浴液
  children's bed 儿童床
  children's cart 童车
  children's cloak 童披风
  children's cold tablet 小儿感冒片
  children's cough liquid 儿童止咳液
  children's cough syrup 小儿止咳糖浆
  children's dysentery tablet 小儿泻痢片
  children's embroidered shirt 童绣花衬衫
  children's embroidered single jersey 汗布绣花童背心衫裤
  children's fever powder 小儿万应散
  children's garment 童装
  children's hat 童帽
  children's indigestion powder 一捻金
  children's indigestion tablet 小儿消食片
  children's jacket 童茄克衫
  children's kimono 童浴衣
  children's note paper 儿童信纸
  children's pyjamas 童睡衣
  children's quilted jacket and vest 童棉衣和背心
  children's ramie cotton sun suit 麻棉童太阳服
  children's restorative granule 小儿回春丹
  children's shampoo 儿童香波
  children's shirt with embroidery 童绣花衬衫
  children's shirt 童衬衫
  children's shoes 童鞋
  children's short skirt 童短裙
  children's single jersey long-sleeve robe 汗布印花长袖童睡袍
  children's skirt 童裙
  children's slide 儿童滑梯
  children's stockings 童袜
  children's toothpaste 儿童牙膏
  children's vehicle 童车
  children's wear 童装
  children-welfare tablet 小儿金丹片
  Chile saltpeter 智利硝石
  chili patse 辣椒酱
  chili sauce 辣酱油
  chilim carpet 契林地毯
  Chilkaht blanket 奇尔卡特山羊毛毯
  chill car 冷藏车
  chill oil 激冷油
  chilled cast iron 冷硬铸铁
  chilled roll 冷铸轧辊
  chilled spring wire 淬火弹簧钢丝
  chilled water jacketed tank 凉水夹套罐
  chilli extract 辣椒精
  chilli oil 辣椒油
  chilli orange 辣椒橙
  chilli paste 辣椒酱
  chilli powder 辣椒粉
  chilli red 辣椒红
  chilli rice crust 麻辣锅巴
  chilli sauce container with plastic cap 塑料盖辣椒酱瓶
  chilli seed 辣椒籽
  chilli 辣椒
  Chilli 奇利什色粗平布
  chilling machine 冷冻机
  chilling press 冷压机
  chilly 番椒
  chilopod 蜈蚣
  chimayo 奇马约横条纹毛毯
  chime 编钟
  chimere 黑缎袍
  chimney filter 滤管
  chimney for locomotive 火车头烟囱
  chimney hood 烟囱帽
  chimney paint 烟囱漆
  chimney sweeping machine 扫烟囱机
  chimney 灯罩
  chimney-pot hat 高顶礼帽
  chimp jacket 琴普茄克
  China biscuit 中国饼干
  China black tea 中国红茶
  China checks 靛蓝格子布
  china claypowder 瓷土粉
  china clay 瓷土
  China cola 中华可乐
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