会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34


  corset 妇女紧身胸衣
  corset-cover 在胸衣外面穿的背心
  corsicaine 科西坎印经绸
  Corsican wool 科西嘉羊毛
  corso skirt 鞍形裙
  Corson alloy 科森铜镍硅合金
  cortex acanthopanacis radicis 五加皮
  cortex albiziae 合欢皮
  cortex cinnamomi 桂皮
  cortex dictamni radicis 白鲜皮
  cortex dictamni 白鲜皮
  cortex eucommiae glutinous rice wine 杜仲糯米酒
  cortex eucommiae 杜仲
  cortex fraxini 秦皮
  cortex gardeniae 栀子衣
  cortex lycii radicis 地骨皮
  cortex magnoliae officinalis 厚朴
  cortex mori radicis 桑白皮
  cortex moutan radicis 牡丹皮
  cortex moutan 丹皮
  cortex periplocae 五加皮
  cortex phellodendri 黄柏
  cortex salicis 柳皮
  cortex trichosanthis 瓜萎皮
  cortex ulmi 香榆
  corteza del damajuhato fibre 达马朱哈托韧皮纤维
  cortical fibre 韧皮纤维
  cortical stimulator 大脑皮层刺激器
  corticotrophin zinc hydroxide 锌促皮质素
  corticotrophin 促皮质素
  Cortina 科蒂纳牌汽车
  cortisone acetate 醋酸可的松
  cortisone oculentum 可的松眼膏
  cortisone 可的松
  cortivazol 可的伐唑
  cortodoxone 可托多松
  Coruba Royal 皇家高鲁巴郎姆酒
  corundum brick 刚玉砖
  corundum cloth 刚玉砂布
  corundum crucible 刚玉坩锅
  corundum cutting tool 硬质合金刀具
  corundum products 刚玉制品
  corundum wheel 刚玉砂轮
  corundum 金刚砂
  Corunna stripes 科伦纳棉条子细布
  corval 科弗尔交联粘胶纤维
  Corvette 克尔维特牌汽车
  Corydalis tuber 延胡索
  corydalis 夏天无
  corypalis tablet 夏天无片
  Cosan 硫黄粉
  Cosban 二甲威
  cosecant-squared antenna 余割平方天线
  cosecant-squared dish 余割平方反射器
  Cosina 确善能牌照相机
  cosine capacitor 余弦电容器
  cosine condenser 余弦电容器
  cosine equalizer 余弦均衡器
  cosmetic bag 化妆袋
  cosmetic brush 化妆笔
  cosmetic container 化妆盒
  cosmetic cream 化妆雪花膏
  cosmetic dye 化妆染料
  cosmetic gauze 化妆面纱
  cosmetic mirror 化妆镜
  cosmetic perfume 化妆香料
  cosmetic preparation for slimming purposes 减肥用化妆品
  cosmetic steamer 蒸汽美容器
  cosmetic tool 美容工具
  cosmetics for animals 动物用化妆品
  cosmetics 化妆品
  cosmic dust detector 宇宙尘埃检测器
  cosmic electron detector 宇宙电子探测器
  cosmic noise absorption meter 宇宙噪声吸收计
  cosmic radio noise recorder 宇宙无线电噪声记录仪
  Cosmic Symbol 宇宙号牌照相机
  cosmic thermometer 宇宙温度计
  cosmic-ray charge composition detector 宇宙射线电荷组成探测器
  cosmic-ray counter 宇宙射线计数器
  cosmic-ray detector 宇宙射线探测器
  cosmic-ray intensity recorder 宇宙射线强度记录仪
  cosmic-ray magnetic spectrometer 宇宙射线磁谱仪
  cosmic-ray meter 宇宙射线测量仪
  cosmic-ray muon spectrometer 宇宙射线μ介子能谱仪
  cosmic-ray neutron and muon monitor 宇宙射线中子与μ介子监测仪
  cosmic-ray neutron monitor 宇宙射线中子监测仪
  cosmic-ray recorder 宇宙射线记录器
  cosmic-ray snow gauge 宇宙射线雪量计
  cosmic-ray spectrograph 宇宙射线摄谱仪
  cosmic-ray spectrometer 宇宙线谱仪
  cosmic-ray telescope 宇宙射线望远镜
  cosmic-ray transition radiation detector 宇宙射线跃迁辐射探测器
  Cosmorex 考斯磨雷克斯牌照相机
  cosmosphere 宇宙仪
  cosmotron 同步稳相加速器
  cospun heather yarn 共纺混色纱
  cossack style jacket 哥萨克式茄克衫
  cossack style suede jacket 哥萨克式仿麂皮茄克衫
  Cossack Vodka 哥萨克伏特加酒
  cossack 哥萨克服装
  cossar 东南亚粗印花布
  cossas 细平布
  cost crude 成本油
  costectome 肋骨切除器
  costive 不透气织物
  costume cambric 杂色低档轧光平布
  costume jacket 短外衣
  costume jewellery 服装饰物
  costume skirt 直身裙
  costume tweed 粗花呢
  costume velvet 阔幅高级棉绒
  costume 服装
  costumer 柱式衣架
  costus resinoid 木香浸膏
  costus root oil 木香根油
  costus root 广木香
  cot mattress 榻床垫
  cot pad 榻床褥
  cot 轻便床
  cote anglaise faconnée 素色法国哔叽

  cote d'or 金坡地葡萄酒
  cote de cheval 骑装布
  cote menue 细棱纹哔叽
  cote piqué 棱纹哔叽
  cote satinee 单色法国哔叽
  cote syrienne 西廉恩单色法国哔叽
  cotelaine 漂白棱纹细布

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35


  cotele 罗缎
  coteline 细棱条细平布
  cotextured yarn 双根变形纱
  cotha more 爱尔兰粗呢大衣料
  cotillion 黑白条粗纺毛料
  cotillon 彩色条纹呢裙料
  Cotnion ethyl 乙基谷硫磷
  Cotnion ethyl-methyl 混谷硫磷
  Cotnion methyl 谷硫磷
  Cotofor 杀草净
  Cotolan chrome dye 科托兰铬媒染料
  Cotolan dye 科托兰染料
  cotonine 厚帆布
  cotonis 丝经棉纬花式布
  Cotoran 伏草隆
  Cotron loom 科特伦无梭织机
  cotta 束腰外衣
  cotted wool 毡片毛
  cotter bolt 带销螺栓
  cotter key 扁销键
  cotter mill cutter 键槽铣刀
  cotter pin 扁销
  cotter 栓钉
  Cottestren dye 科特斯特伦染料
  cottonframe 棉纺机
  cotton and artificial silk mixture 棉纱人造丝混合织物
  cotton and dressing pliers 牙用敷料镊
  cotton and linen hand-embroidered tablecloth 棉麻布绣花台布
  cotton and linen printed tablecloth 棉麻印花台布
  cotton and linen printed tea towel 棉麻印花茶巾
  cotton and linen printed traycloth 棉麻印花盘布
  cotton and ramie thread woven mosquito netting cloth 线麻蚊帐布
  cotton and rayon gimp 棉纱人造丝镶边带
  cotton and wool mixture 棉毛混纺织物
  cotton applique laundry bag 棉布补花洗衣袋
  cotton applique shoe bag 棉布补花鞋袋
  cotton back satin 棉背缎
  cotton bag sheeting 棉袋布
  cotton bagging 棉包麻布
  cotton baling press 皮棉打包机
  cotton ball fringe 棉绒球流苏
  cotton ball 棉球
  cotton bath towel 棉浴巾
  cotton batting 棉絮
  cotton beaver 充海狸棉绒布
  cotton bed sheet 棉布床单
  cotton bedspread 棉布床罩
  cotton bird 棉鸟
  cotton blanket bed cover 棉毯床罩
  cotton blanket cloth robe 棉毯布长袍
  cotton blanket 棉毯
  cotton blanketing绒毯布
  cotton bleached poplin working uniform 棉漂白府绸工作服
  cotton bleached poplin working uniforms for men and women 棉漂白府绸男女工作服
  cotton blended fabrics 混纺棉织物
  cotton blended yarn 混纺棉纱
  cotton blender machine 混棉机
  cotton blouse 女棉罩衫
  cotton braided line 编结棉绳
  cotton braided rubber insulated flexible cord 纱包橡胶绝缘软线
  cotton breaker 棉包松包机
  cotton broadcloth bra阔棉布乳罩
  cotton broadcloth dress 阔幅棉布外长衣
  cotton broadcloth pajamas 阔棉布睡衣裤
  cotton broadcloth shirt 阔幅棉布衬衫
  cotton broadcloth 阔幅棉布
  cotton brocade 棉锦缎
  cotton brush fringe 棉刷流苏
  cotton cake 棉籽饼
  cotton calico trousers 全棉细布长裤
  cotton cambric 细薄棉布
  cotton candle wick 棉烛芯线
  cotton canvas jeans 全棉帆布牛仔裤
  cotton canvas waistband 帆布裤带
  cotton canvas webbing with buckles and ends 帆布裤带坯连扣
  cotton canvas 棉帆布
  cotton cap 布帽
  cotton card 梳棉机
  cotton carding machine 梳棉机
  cotton carpet 棉地毯
  cotton cashmere 全棉充毛开士米织物
  cotton chain 棉经纱
  cotton challis gown 卓利斯花色轻纱长衫
  cotton chamois-colour cloth 仿麂皮棉布
  cotton check cord fabric 纬昌呢
  cotton checked flannelette shirt 棉格绒衬衫
  cotton checks 蓝白条格棉布
  cotton chenille rug 雪尼尔棉毯
  cotton chintz 擦光印花棉布
  cotton chopper 棉花间苗机
  cotton cleaning machine 清棉机
  cotton cloth mattress cover 棉布床垫套
  cotton cloth respirator 纱布口罩
  cotton cloth 棉布
  cotton clothesline 晾衣棉绳
  cotton Cluny lace 棉线克鲁尼花边
  cotton coatray 小仓雪花布
  cotton colored drillskirt for ladies 全棉什色纱卡女裙
  cotton colorimeter 棉花测色仪
  cotton combing machine 梳棉机
  cotton comforter batt 棉被胎
  cotton comforter 棉被
  cotton cord for pyjamas 睡衣带
  cotton cord welting 镶边棉绳
  cotton cord 棉绳
  cotton corded handkerchief 棉纱凸条手帕
  cotton corduroy jackets for men and women 全棉灯芯绒男女茄克</p>
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