会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34


  cobbler's twine 制鞋麻线
  cobbler's wax 鞋线蜡
  cobblestone 大卵石
  Cobeko 敌乐胺除草剂
  Cobenium 科贝纽姆恒弹性合金
  Cobex 敌乐胺除草剂
  Cobitalium 科比塔留姆耐热铝合金
  cobourg 科伯斜纹呢
  cobra venom 眼镜蛇蛇毒
  cobra 眼镜蛇
  Cobweb cotton 蛛网棉
  cobweb lawn 薄麻纱
  coca leaf 古柯叶
  Coca-Cola 可口可乐
  cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸可卡因
  cocaine 可卡因
  cocarboxylase 辅羧酶
  coccidioidin 球孢菌素
  Cocculus trilobus 日本木防己
  cochial red 胭脂红
  cochin yarn 椰壳纤维纱
  cochineal carmine 胭脂虫红
  cochineal coral handkerchief 红色丝手帕
  cochineal red 胭脂虫红
  Cochran cotton 科克伦棉
  Cochrome 科克罗姆钴铬系耐热合金
  cock feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄鸡毛帚
  cock feather 公鸡毛
  cock key 旋塞扳手
  cock neck hackle and saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统背毛帚
  cock neck hackle and saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统背毛帚
  cock neck hackle duster with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛鸡毛帚
  cock neck hackle duster with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛鸡毛帚
  cock neck hackle with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛帚
  cock neck hackle with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛帚
  cock neck hackle 公鸡项毛
  cock neck skin 公鸡头皮
  cock saddle feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄单长尖鸡毛帚
  cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚
  cock saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统尖毛帚
  cock saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统尖毛帚
  cock schlappen with bamboo handle 竹柄统泳子毛帚
  cock schlappen with rattan handle 藤柄统泳子毛帚
  cock schlappen 公鸡泳毛
  cock spanner 旋塞扳手
  cock wheel 惰轮
  cock 龙头
  cock-liver agate 鸡肝玛瑙
  cocked hat 三角帽
  cockle stair 螺旋梯
  cockpit panel 座舱仪表盘
  cockroach killer 灭蟑螂药
  cocktail cabinet 酒柜
  cocktail cup 鸡尾酒酒杯
  cocktail dress 燕尾服
  cocktail feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄尾毛鸡毛帚
  cocktail fruit jam 什锦果酱
  cocktail glass 鸡尾酒酒杯
  cocktail napkin 酒巾
  cocktail onion 鸡尾酒酸果
  cocktail sausage 小香肠
  cocktail saw 鸡尾锯
  cocktail set 鸡尾酒具
  cocktail shaker 调酒器
  cocktail 鸡尾酒
  coco plum 椰李
  coco 椰子
  cocoa bean 可可豆
  cocoa beef filling sweet 可可牛肉夹心糖
  cocoa butter cookie 可可曲奇饼干
  cocoa butter 可可脂
  cocoa colour powder 可可色素粉
  cocoa cream candy 可可奶油糖
  cocoa drink 可可饮料
  cocoa ginseng tea 可可人参茶
  cocoa jug 可可壶
  cocoa knife 可可刀
  cocoa mat 椰衣垫
  cocoa matting 椰壳纤维席纹布
  cocoa peanut sweet 可可花生夹心糖
  cocoa powder in bulk 散装可可粉
  cocoa powder in packet 盒装可可粉
  cocoa powder in tin 听装可可粉
  cocoa powder 可可粉
  cocoa shell butter 可可豆壳脂
  cocoa tobacco flavour 可可烟草香精
  cocoa toffee 可可太妃
  cocoa wafer 可可威化
  cocoa 可可
  cocoa-brown cloth 可可褐色布
  cocoanut ball 椰子糖
  cocoanut broom 椰壳纤维扫帚
  cocoanut fatty acid diethanolamide 椰子油脂肪酸二乙醇酰胺
  cocoanut fibre brush 椰壳纤维刷
  cocoanut fibre door mat 椰壳纤维门垫
  cocoanut fibre rope 机制椰壳纤维绳
  cocoanut fibre 椰壳纤维
  cocoanut ice cream cone 椰子甜筒
  cocoanut ice cream 椰子雪糕
  cocoanut jam 椰子酱
  cocoanut juice 椰子汁
  cocoanut leaf rib 椰叶骨
  cocoanut milk 椰子奶
  cocoanut oil 椰子油
  cocoanut shell carving 椰壳雕
  cocoavanilla tobacco flavour 可可香草烟香精
  Coconada cotton 科科拿大棉
  coconada rug 科科拿大地毯
  coconada stripe 科科拿大条子平纹棉织物
  coconut aldehyde 椰子醛
  coconut and coffee jelly 椰子咖啡冻
  coconut biscuit 椰子饼干
  coconut butter cake 椰蓉奶油酥
  coconut butter 椰子果酱
  coconut cake 椰蓉酥
  coconut candy 椰子糖
  coconut capacitor 大型真空电容器
  coconut carving 椰雕
  coconut chocolate 椰子巧克力
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