会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34


  We have this day drawn the following bill of exchange on your esteemed firm- No.123, $500,000, payable at sight.
  We have to acquaint you that, in accordance with your instructions, we have this day drawn upon Messrs, tanaka & Co., at 60d/s for $200,000, inclusive of charges.
  We advise you that we have drawn on you this day for $100,000, at 3m/d, to the order fo yourself, which we commend to your kind protection.
  we have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you for $500,000, at 3m/s. for which we have credited you as usual.
  As the wines are not yet disposed of, nor likely to be for some time, we cannot obey Mr. Saito's orders as to drawing on you or remitting you the balance at present.
  Should you have an opportunity, you may draw on me for the cost of coal, together with that of insurance, which you will be so good as to effect on the outward cargo to its full value, with an addition of five per cent, to cover expenses in case of loss.
  For your reimbursement, you will draw on me at sixty days' sight, and at the most favourable exchange, furnishing me at the same time, with an invoice, bill of lading and insurance policy.
  For the amount of your invoice, you will be so good as to draw on Messrs. A & Co. of Hamburg, at three months' date, and forward them a bill of lading, requesting them to effect insurance.
  We have taken the liberty of drawing on you today against this consignment for $500,000 at sixty days' sight, which please protect on presentation.
  I take liberty to trouble you with the enclosed draft for $50, at thirty days' sight, on Mr. Black of Axbridge, which I shall be obliged by your getting accepted, and retaining in your possession until due, at which time you can remit me the amount.
  Enclosed we hand you a draft, $300,000, drawn on you by our London house. Kindly accept same and return.
  Herewith we hand you a draft from Messrs. Brown & Bros., of Kobe, on your goodselves, which please accept and return to us in due course.
  We hand you enclosed a draft, value $500,000 at sight, on the Mitsuki Bank of your city, receipt of which please acknewledge.
  Enclosed is a sight draft for $26.15 on Messrs. Robert & Sons, which clears off our indebtedness to you.
  谨同函奉上以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的第一联汇票一张,请办理手续取款后,记我的贷方帐户为荷。

  Enclosed you will receive first of exchange for $500 at sixty days' sight, on George Bury &Co., with which you will please to do the needful, and credit my account accordingly.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35


</p>  同函寄上五张汇票,金额总计为5,620,000元,详见注脚。
  Enclosed please find five bills of exchange, as noted at foot, amounting to $5,620,000.
  贵方9月1日函及所附以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的汇票一张均已收悉,现已获得及时承兑,到期后将记入贵方贷方帐户。
  I am favoured with your esteemed letter of the first Sept., encloseing $500 in a bill at sixty days' sight, on George Bury & Co., which, having been duly honoured, will appear to your credit at maturity.
  Your three drafts on Martin & Co., to my order, have been accepted by Smith & Co.
  Your draft under date of th 7th Oct., at 30 days' date to your own order, will be duly honoured.
  We regret to state that the bill for $560,000 on Mr. sutoh, hsa been dishonoured by non-payment, and we shall be obliged by your remitting us $567,500, amount of same and charges incurred.
  We state that your draft, No. 2345, for $2,500,000, duly accepted by Mr. Yano, has been dishonoured by non-payment.
  The draft for $1,000,000 which, as I advised you on the 1st March had not been accepted, having since become due and not being discharged, I have now to return it to you with a protest for non-payment, together with an account of my commission and charges, amounting to $1,013,500, for which I have drawn on you at sight, to the order of Mr. Ohki.
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