会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  第三条 业主的职责
  1. 业主应提供工地,并在本合同有效期内允许承包商自由地、不受干扰地出入该工地。
  2. 业主应按时提供附录×中指定的物件和设施。
  3. 业主将从有关部门获取为工厂建造、设备运行所必需的执照和许可证,包括承包商雇员的工作许可证。
  4. 业主应按第×条中规定的合同价格向承包商支付工程款项。
  Article 3-Owner's Responsibilities
  1. The Owner shall make available the Site and grant the Contractor free and uninterrupted access thereto throughout the duration of this Contract.
  2. The Owner shall provide those items and facilities specified in Appendix (…) at the time therein established.
  3. The Owner will obtain from the relevant Authorities those licenses and permits necessary to construct and operate the Plant on the Site including work permit for the Contractor's employees.
  4. The Owner shall pay the contractor for the Works performed the Contract Price set out in Article (…).
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