会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  第五条 设计图样
  1. 承包商应根据合同,在附录××规定的时间内向业主提交工厂建造所需的图样,供业主审批。业主应在收到这些图样后一个月内,对图样进行审核,并作出批准或不批准的决定。
  2. 承包商应对上述图样中的任何缺点、错误或疏漏负责,除非这种缺点、错误或疏漏是因业主书面提供的不准确信息所致。
  3. 业主或承包商互相提供的所有图样和技术资料,收到方应作为机密文件对待,除非另有商定,收到方不得将这些图样和资料用于与本合同无关的其他目的。
  Article 5-Drawings
  1. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for approval and review within the time specified in Appendix (…) such drawings as may be required for Construction of the Plant under this Contract. Within one month after receiving such drawings the Owner shall review and approve or disapprove the drawing.
  2. The Contractor shall be responsible for any defects, errors or omissions in the above drawings unless such defects, errors or omissions are caused by inaccurate information furnished in writing to the Contractor by the Owner.
  3. All drawings and technical documentation delivered by the Owner or the Contractor to the other party shall be treated as confidential by the receiving party unless agreed otherwise, and shall not be used by that party for purposes other than those connected with this Contract.
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