会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


第八条 承包商的工作人员  1. 承包商将自费为其全部工作人员提供饮食、交通及一切必要的便利。
  2. 合同签署后,承包商应指定一名项目经理,在工程进行过程中全权代表承包商。他将在工作时间内坐镇施工现场。业主向项目经理发出的所有指示,如同发给承包商本人一样,同样具有约束力。
  3. 如果业主认为工地上承包商的雇员品行不端、不能胜任工作或有失职行为,可要求承包商将此人调离或更换。
  Article 8-Inspection
  1. The Contractor will supply at his own cost food, transprot and all necessary facilities for all his own personnel.
  2. On signing the Contract, the Contractor shall appoint a project manager who will represent the Contractor at all times be present at the Site during working hours. All communications issued by the Owner to the project manager shall be binding as if given to the Contractor.
  3. The Owner may request the removal and replacement of any person employed by the Contractor on the Site if such person is in the Owner's opinion guilty of misconduct, incompetence or negligence.
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