会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  第五条 设计图样
  1. 承包商应根据合同,在附录××规定的时间内向业主提交工厂建造所需的图样,供业主审批。业主应在收到这些图样后一个月内,对图样进行审核,并作出批准或不批准的决定。
  2. 承包商应对上述图样中的任何缺点、错误或疏漏负责,除非这种缺点、错误或疏漏是因业主书面提供的不准确信息所致。
  3. 业主或承包商互相提供的所有图样和技术资料,收到方应作为机密文件对待,除非另有商定,收到方不得将这些图样和资料用于与本合同无关的其他目的。
  Article 5-Drawings
  1. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for approval and review within the time specified in Appendix (…) such drawings as may be required for Construction of the Plant under this Contract. Within one month after receiving such drawings the Owner shall review and approve or disapprove the drawing.
  2. The Contractor shall be responsible for any defects, errors or omissions in the above drawings unless such defects, errors or omissions are caused by inaccurate information furnished in writing to the Contractor by the Owner.
  3. All drawings and technical documentation delivered by the Owner or the Contractor to the other party shall be treated as confidential by the receiving party unless agreed otherwise, and shall not be used by that party for purposes other than those connected with this Contract.
  第六条 检验
  1. 承包商应该按法律和正常的工程惯例的要求,负责工厂所有的检验和试验工作。
  2. 业主有权在任何适当时间对建造中的工厂的材料和工艺进行检验和测试,费用自理。这种检验或测试不能免除承包商在合同中应尽的任何义务。
  3. 完工后的工厂应由业主进行检验和测试;工厂何时可以测试,承包商应提前以书面形式通知业主。
  4. 承包商应根据业主的合理要求,为彻底而有效的检测提供所需要的协助、劳力、材料、电力、燃料、设备、备用品和仪器。
  5. 工厂通过上述测试后,业主应向承包商签发一份表示通过测试的证书。检测中发现的任何问题未圆满解决,工厂不得移交。
  Article 6-Inspection
  1. The Contractor shall perform all inspection and testing of the Plant required by law and normal engineering practice.
  2. The Owner shall be entitled at all reasonable times and at its own cost to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship of the Plant under construction. Such inspection, examination or testing if made shall not release the Contractor from any obligation under the Contract.
  3. The completed Plant shall be inspected, examined and tested by the Owner, and the Contractor shall give the Owner reasonable notice in writing of the date on which the Plant will be ready for testing.
  4. The Contractor shall provide such assistance, labour, materials, electricity , fuels, apparatus, stores and instruments as may be required and as may be reasonably demanded to carry out such tests by the Owner properly and efficiently.
  5. When the Plant shall have passed the above tests, the Owner shall furnish the Contractor with a certificate in writing to that effect. No Plant shall be delivered until any faults discovered during inspection are satisfactorily rectified.
  第七条 工地
  1. 承包商应在工地上提供所有令业主满意的材料、劳力、设备、服务和便利,以便顺利施工和完工。
  2. 在总体上得到上述保证的前提下,承包商应提供下列各项必需品:
  a. 建筑设备;
  b. 工地上使用的运输工具,包括临时道路;
  c. 保护人员和财产安全所需的篱笆、灯光、岗哨以及所有其他材料和服务;
  d. 为材料和施工人员(包括业主雇员)提供临时仓库、办公室和其他房屋建筑;
  e. 在整个工程移交之前提供电话、灭火设备和急救设备;
  f. 供施工人员使用的卫生设备和食堂。
  3. 承包商应遵守当地法律规定的所安全及其他条例。
  4. 无论何时,承包商都不应在业主的房产及其邻近建筑物、车道和街道上堆积施工用建筑材料和建筑垃圾,工程完工后,应从建筑物及其周围清除所有用剩的材料,保持工地和工厂安全、整洁,以备使用。
  Article 7-Inspection
  1. The Contractor shall provide at the Site to the reasonable satisfaction of the Owner all materials, labour, equipment, services and facilities that may be necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Works.
  2. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, the Contractor shall provide, as may be necessary, the following:

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13


  a. Construction equipment.
  b. Means of transport within the Site including temporary roadways.
  c. Fencing, lighting and guarding and all other materials and services necessary for the safety and security of persons and property.
  d. Temporary stores, offices and other buildings or structures for materials and persons engaged in the Words, including persons employed by the Owner.
  e. Telephones, fire-fighting equipment and first-aid equipment until the whole Works have been taken over.
  f. Sanitary and canteen facilities for the use of persons engaged in the Works.
  3. The Contractor shall observe all safety and other regulations imposed on the Site by local laws.
  4. The Contractor shall at all times keep the Owner's property and the adjoining premises, driveways and streets free of construction materials and rubbish caused by the Works, and at the completion of the Works shall remove all remaining materials from and about the premises and shall leave the Site and Plant safe, clean and ready for use.
  第八条 承包商的工作人员
  1. 承包商将自费为其全部工作人员提供饮食、交通及一切必要的便利。
  2. 合同签署后,承包商应指定一名项目经理,在工程进行过程中全权代表承包商。他将在工作时间内坐镇施工现场。业主向项目经理发出的所有指示,如同发给承包商本人一样,同样具有约束力。
  3. 如果业主认为工地上承包商的雇员品行不端、不能胜任工作或有失职行为,可要求承包商将此人调离或更换。
  Article 8-Inspection
  1. The Contractor will supply at his own cost food, transprot and all necessary facilities for all his own personnel.
  2. On signing the Contract, the Contractor shall appoint a project manager who will represent the Contractor at all times be present at the Site during working hours. All communications issued by the Owner to the project manager shall be binding as if given to the Contractor.
  3. The Owner may request the removal and replacement of any person employed by the Contractor on the Site if such person is in the Owner's opinion guilty of misconduct, incompetence or negligence.
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