会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  Article 65 Materials purchased and services needed in China by joint ventures shall be priced according to the following stipulations:
  (1) The six raw materials - gold, silver, platinum, petroleum, coal and timber - that are used directly in production for export shall be priced according to the international market prices provided by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control or foreign currency or Renminbi.
  (2) When purchasing export or import commodities handled by Chinese foreign trade companies, the suppliers and buyers shall negotiate the price, with reference to the prices on the international market, and foreign currency shall be paid.
  (3) The prices for purchasing coal used as fuel and oil for motor vehicles, which are needed for manufacturing products to be sold domestically, as well as materials other than those listed in (1) and (2) of this Article, and the fees charged for water, electricity, gas, heat, goods transportation, services, engineering, consultancy service and advertisement, etc. provided to joint ventures, shall be treated equally with state-owned enterprises and paid in Renminbi.
  Article 66 Prices of products of a joint venture for sale on the Chinese domestic market, except those items approved by the price control department for appraisal of prices with reference to the prices on the international market, shall correspond with State-set prices, be priced according to equality and paid in Renminbi. Prices fixed by a joint venture for its products shall be filed with departments in charge of joint ventures and of price control for the record.
  Prices of export products of a joint venture will be fixed by the joint venture itself and shall be filed with departments in charge of joint ventures and of price control for the record.
  Article 67 A joint venture, in its economic exchanges with another Chinese economic organization, shall undertake economic responsibilities and settle disputes over contract in accordance with relevant laws and the contract concluded between the two parties.
  Article 68 A joint venture shall fill in statistical forms on production, supply and marketing in accordance with relevant regulations, and file them with the departments in charge, statistics departments and other departments concerned for the record.
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查看完整版本: 《中华人民共和国外资企业法》(七)