会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


 Overview of the Banking Industry in China   I.The Role of the Banking Sector in China  Paragraph 1(P1)  1.Although banks share many common features with other profit-seeking businesses, they play a unique role in the economy through mobilizing savings, allocating capital funds to finance productive investment, transmitting monetary policy, providing a payment system and transforming risks.  尽管银行与其他以盈利为目的的企业具有许多共同的特征,但它在国民经济中还发挥着特殊的作用。银行可以动员储蓄,为生产性企业投资调配资金,传递货币政策,提供支付系统,转化风险。  (1)整个第一段是由“连词although……”引导的主从复合句(让步状语从句),意为“虽然;纵使;尽管……但……”。  through介词,后面跟了几个并列的“动名词短语”,有mobilizing…,allocating…,transmitting…,providing…,transforming…。  (2)the banking industry in China  banking:银行业  例:the banking industry in China:中国银行业  the banking sector:银行业  a banking crisis:银行业危机  banking hours:银行营业时间  industry:①产业  例:primary industry第一产业;初级产业(从事初级原材料,如煤炭、木材、农产品等生产的产业)  secondary industry第二产业;次级产业(从事利用初级原材料生产加工制成品的产业)  tertiary(service) industry第三产业;服务行业(不生产原材料,也不生产加工制成品,而仅提供服务的产业,例如银行业、零售业、会计工作等)  ②行业  例:advertising industry:广告业  the insurance industry:保险业  ③sector:部门;部分  例:All sectors of the economy suffered from the rise in the exchange rate.  所有经济部门都受到汇率上升的影响。  public sector:政府部门;公营部门  private sector:私营部门  (股票市场的)行业;按行业(如银行业)分类上市股票  (3)share common features:具有共同特征  share: have a share:(share in sth):共有;分享;分担  例:to share losses(expenses):分担损失(费用)  to share the blame(responsibility):分担过失(责任)  to share in profits:分享利益  (4)profit-seeking business:以盈利为目的的企业  business: shop; commercial enterprise,etc:商店;工商企业等  (5)economy: ①(instance of) avoidance of waste of money,strength or anything else of value:节约;节俭  例:to introduce economies(economy measures) into the system:实行节约措施  economies of scale:规模经济(通过增加产量来降低成本,提高利润)  ②system for the management and use of resources:经济(制度),一个国家的经济状况(一个国家的财政金融状况,一个国家赚钱、用钱的方式)  例:to mobilize capital  慕集资金以支持某事  to mobilize resources to defend a takeover bid  求得股东等的支持以阻止公司被收购
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