会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


4.The external sector performance also improved significantly during the period.   在此期间,我国的涉外经济成绩斐然。  (1)external sector:涉外(经济)部门;外贸企业  5.The strong export performance and capital inflow resulted in the increase of official foreign exchange reserves, from USD51.6 billion at the end of 1994 to nearly USD166 billion at the end of 2000.  出口和资本流入大幅度增加,官方外汇储备从1994年底的516亿美元增加到2000年底的1600亿美元。  (1)capital inflow:资本流入  (2)official foreign exchange reserves:官方外汇储备  6.The RMB exchange rate has remained stable.  人民币汇率保持稳定。  (1)RMB exchange rate:人民币汇率  7.The implementation of the stabilization and structural measures has been a major factor underlying the resilience of the Chinese economy in the context of the crisis in Asian financial markets and the recent weakening of global economic activity.  宏观经济稳定政策和结构调整措施,是我国经济在亚洲金融危机阴影笼罩和近年来全球经济疲弱的环境下,依然保持较快发展的一个重要因素。  (1)implementation: n. 实现;完成  implement: v.carry an undertaking,agreement,promise into effect:实现;完成(任务等)  (2)stabilization: 此处指“国家实施宏观经济稳定政策”。  structural measures:(经济、行业)结构性调整措施  (3)structure: n.way in which sth is put together,organized,etc:结构;构造  例:company’s organizational structure:公司的组织结构  price structure:价格结构  capital structure of a company:公司的资本结构(公司资本构成的方式)  the company’s salary structure:公司的工资构成(公司中不同工种不同工资的结构)  (4)resilience: n.quality or property of quickly recovering the original shape or condition after being pulled,[ressed,crushed,etc:弹性;回弹  (fig)power of recuperating quickly:(喻)迅速恢复的力量  (5)in the context of:在……背景(环境)下  context: n.circumstance in which an event occurs:(某一事件发生的)环境;背景  (6)weaken: v.make or become weak:使弱;变弱  weakening:疲软  Paragraph 15 (P3,第14行)  8.Although capital market development is expected to speed up, banks in China, which currently provide about 75 percent of aggregate financing in the economy, are likely to continue to playing a dominant role in financing economic and technological development as well as the economic reform in the foreseeable future.  尽管中国资本市场的发展将会加快,目前占整个经济融资总量75%的银行业在可以预见的将来,在为经济发展和科技进步融资,以及经济(体制)改革中仍将发挥主导作用。  (1)Although…,banks in China…:整个句子是主从复合句,其中由Although…引导的“让步状语从句”,主句中又包括一个由which…引导的“非限制性定语从句”。  (2)expect: vt.think or believe that sth will happen or come:预期;期待  (3)are likely to…:that is expected to:很可能发生的……;有希望的……  (4)(in) financing economic and technological development:由financing引导的动名词短语作“介词in”的宾语。
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