会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


4.The government introduced a comprehensive package of measures aimed at restoring financial order as well as addressing the inflationary pressure and signs of overheating,particularly in the real estate sector and the stock markets.   政府采取了一系列措施以整顿金融秩序,应对通货膨胀的压力及经济过热现象,尤其是房地产和股票市场的过热现象。  (1)introduce(into;to):bring sth into use or into operation for the first time:采用;引进;提倡  例:introduce new ideas into a business:引进新观念于一事业  (2)package:detailed plan:详细的计划  comprehensive: a.that comprehend much:包罗广泛的;综合性的  例:a complete package:整批  a comprehensive package of:一篮子;一系列  (3)aim at:have as a plan or intention:计划;打算;以……为目标  (4)restore:make welll or normal again;bring back (to a former condition):使恢复健康或正常;使恢复(以前的情况)  例:Law and order were quickly restored after the attempted violence.那次暴乱之后,法律与秩序迅速恢复了。  (5)address:引导;指引  (6) inflationary pressure:通货膨胀压力  (7)(economic) overheating:经济过热  (8)real estate:(legal)immovable property consisting of land,any natural resources,and buildings:(法律)房地产;不动产  (9)stock market:股票市场  Overview of the Banking Industry in China  I.Thr Role of the Banking Sector in China  Paragragh 11(P2,第3段)  1.During this period a number of important structural measures have been taken with particular significance for the banking sector.  在这一阶段中,政府对银行部门进行了一系列具有重要意义的结构性调整。  (1)(take) structural measures:(进行)结构性调整;采取结构性调整措施  2.The first was the unification of the renminbi(RMB) exchange rates and foreign exchange markets in January 1994.  其中包括:第一,1994年1月实行了人民币汇率并轨。  (1)unification of Renminbi exchange rates:人民币汇率并轨  exchange rates:汇率  unification: n.being unified:统一;单一化  unify: v.form into one;unite:使合一;统一  3.Second, the passage of central banking and commercial banking laws in 1995 has provided legal basis for the banking system in China.  第二,1995年通过中央银行法和商业银行法为中国的银行体制改革提供了法律依据。  (1)provide legal basis for…:为……提供法律依据  4.Third, the acceptance of the obligations of Article VIII of the Artiles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund in December 1996, namely commitment to RMB current account convertibility, has officially removed the remaining restrictions on international payments for trade and service transactions.  第三,1962年12月,我国接受国际货币基金协定第八条义务,承诺人民币在经常账户下可兑换,消除了官方对国际商品和服务贸易的外汇支付限制。  (1)Article VIII of the Artiles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund:国际货币基金组织协定第八条款  (2)RMB current account convertibility:人民币在经常项目下可兑换(第八条款的一项内容)  5.Fourth, the establishment of a unified inter-bank money market in 1996 has facilitated better liquidity adjustment for financial institutions.  第四,1996年建立了统一的银行间拆借市场,为金融机构调整流动性创造了更好的条件。
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